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Весь контент HellMagic1942

  1. Ничто не сложно :) Просто что там написано, и с что ти занимаешся, ето разние дела :) И так получается что человек которий тянет за спасибо получает бч. А таких "Кач Хиро рифт", которие пишут "10кк на заход", когда зайдеш в пати не получают бч особо... И вот один человек хочет тебе поможет просто так, а другой человек наглий ******. Ну конечно, самое главно забанит человек, которий сложил 2 слова в КАПС. Или которий собрал рандом пак на кач, и создал групу с име "1", не для добор, а чтоб давать лехко пати на чуждие "окна", а не писать макрос каждие 5 минут, когда "жена пришла" и надо искать следущий рандом игорк. Ето не тупо, да? Конечно все нормално так... все по правила да? А резултать от етого нуль.
  2. You will not find any. The server population is really low. The majority of the players are speaking russian. The server is old, and people are in and around end-game zones. If I was at your place, I would try to find "people who are willing to speak in english with me". And add them to friendlist. Because if you are trying to find hyper active young clan to spend your time with, you will hit dead end.
  3. За слово "Дебил" тебе не забанут. Ну если решил и титул "ты" вставить, то тогда все понятно :)
  4. Иногда так получается :) А иногда блес точки на 1ккк за бафчик.
  5. Интересно как будет "уточнении"? Если человек реално тянет "за спасибо". Модератори подождут 10 часов в пати, и посмотрют кто биет и кто нет? И я не могу сказать "Ой.. хил вълетел", "Не нашли норм хил", и т.д.? Лучшее разрешить услуги "за спасибо", и сделать ограничение в левелов 1-1 лвл. Так и найти можно легко, и не помешает на сбор на кач/рб/инст ...
  6. Спасибо всем, кто отвечали. Я считаю победител черепашка. И такая заберу следущий раз... /close
  7. У бафера нету заливка. А пуха для волка 40кк. Купит такая на начале 7х сложно :)
  8. ФС топ клас для соло фарма. На предишнего в 1 окно, апнул 79 за 24 часов после старта. Убивал Зака по КД, и 6 дней после старта - Фрее. (Фрея Некл 2-вая продал за 800кк, книга КК 3-тая за 3.5ккк продал, 4-тая дала ЛС , 5-тая Двурук за 600кк, 6-тая ЛС, 7-мая дагер, сделал для 2 руки +4 продал за 1.5ккк) Манор на 500кк продал за 10 часов фарм. (МА). АА не считаю, там все понятно... 300кк забрал 5 дней после старта на РБ 7 квест. Близи по откату, иногда пушка, иногда Блес точка. Пуха стоит 1.2-1.3ккк, сет вода 190-200кк. Береш 1 саб скил хаст и все. Лак надо на 7 дней с начале сервера. Потом слив-залив и закриваеш все инст. Конечно, ФС тебе не нравится... но смисле крабит мобов соло с гномов я не вижу.
  9. Why I haven't seen any of you for 10+ years on asterios?
  10. 1. Потому что ето стандарт (ISO 8601) 2. Потому что так не надо читать все до конца, когда тебе маленкий интервал време не интересует. 3. Потому что так сортировка по име, является хронологическая тоже. (тоталний кайф для програмиста).
  11. HellMagic1942


    As I said, I do-not-know how many times already, here: Here: Here: Also here: I do not plan to say it again anytime soon.
  12. HellMagic1942


    Well most people have families, work and life outside of the computer (believe it or not). So spending 4 hours on the computer, every day, for 2 months is pretty much impossible for the majority of the players. I think, the last time I no-lifed it was at the age of Warden server.
  13. HellMagic1942


    If you get 50kk / hour , and you farm 4 hours, you get 200kk/day. If you get 200kk/day, you need 50 days to get that amount of money. And we are talking... FARMING EVERY SINGLE DAY. No skipping, no weekends, nothing. But wait... You say, 3 subclasses right? And 2 windows for buff? Lets say, you are some kind of god... and you can level 40-75 solo in 4 hours. (Thou, I am cheezing the shit out of it, and never did it in less than 12 hours myself...) This is another 5 days... Another 4 hours for questing ... 6 days. Lets add 3 days for subclass RB farming (a bit optimistic, considering not everyone is taking holiday from work and family to stay 12 hours awake ...) That's 9 days. I can say, we are talking about 2 months of staying every single day in L2 for 4 hours... No weekends, no pauses. For more casual players, who do not live their life in L2, this is next to impossible. By the time they get 10kkk with farming random locations, the server will close and the next one will open.
  14. HellMagic1942


    Years ago we used to say, that to solve a mathematical problem you can either find all solutions, or prove that no such solutions exist. I wanted the guy to know, that all this what you suggested, are not valid solutions to get his hands on elegia heavy set, ( because I have been doing all that stuff in the past 10+ years, and I know exactly how much you earn from all those activities) and he should not waste his time even attempting to earn that amount of money doing it. And I was kind enough, to point out specific reasons, at every one of them. So I think I contributed enough... If anything, I can just say "go to the roulette and bet all on 13, black", and it will be just as good advice as yours. (Now when I think of it, it may even turn out to be more realistic way to get the set, than most of them...)
  15. HellMagic1942


    You cant farm with spoil to elegia. The amount of money you get with a spoiler, can be matched by other classes, who will simply farm at better locations, and kill more monsters effectively. If you want to get on their level, you need support. And we are talking about at least 4 windows here. Full buff. We are talking about 3 subs. We are talking about good gear. All this takes money and a lot of time to even get started. And then, we are talking about weeks of farming elegia after that. This is not how you make money. You know what I did the first 2 hours of the last server? SE01, SE02, SE03... and so on. Until I got 10 gold from their quest money. Because this 10 gold now, costs 5 times its money tomorrow. And at the time I sold it it was 0.5kkk. Playing at one PC, how will you do this money with fair work?!? 99.99% of the time, you can find me around 9 people who are doing all the work, and I am getting the spoil and manor from champs around them. And even then, the money is not that good, to be realistic to farm elegia set.
  16. HellMagic1942


    Where for every hatchling you have to compete against 3 other gnomes. Where you can go with any relevant class anyway... Where you have to deal with idiots, because after looking for "randoms" for hour , there is at least one who somehow does not understand the concept of instance cooldown. For the money you get there, you will have to spend about 150 hours in the same stupid room to pay for that set. Zaken is waste of time. Frinta/Tiat are nearly impossible to get a party as random person. Freya is limited for class, and twice per week. Last server she gave me Counter Critical book, to sell for billions, the server before that she gave me life stones. She can be a bit bitchy sometimes... Without russian - no. And before he learns WHAT exactly to buy and WHEN, he will be losing money... Very good at the start of a server, then it drops to half its price. At that point we are talking about weeks fishing. Gambling. I love it... sometimes you craft 9 of 10 dyno knives. Sometimes you craft 3 :) And at that point you ask yourself where your time and effort went...
  17. И что у тебе +/- 5% хил решает? Лучшее за скорост каста смотри и за ману... поможет и пвп и пве.
  18. If you think that when you join a clan you will play in party, you are in delusion. Clan is like how many? 50-100 people? Even if you find one international. Most of them are doing different stuff. Have different levels. Do not have the required support/dd at the same time. And on the server you have 10k people. Do you know about the party matching? You can open it, find party and play with random guys. If you know what to do, no one will care that you do not know russian. And it is nice place to start learning it :)
  19. HellMagic1942


    And how much exactly is this "average xp"? This is the place where A grade buffers go to kill few mobs, when they get borred. 90% of the time he will be running from one mob to another. This actually is very good suggestion. For seed you need increased hp (x2 x3 x4...). 84 lvl x1 mob, gives less seeds than 78lvl x4. For 76 lvl tyrant, Dark Omens catacomb or Forbidden Path (first rooms) is the optimal for you. Also, it is in the range of Mithril Alloy seeds. If you do not have ANY buffer, you should level one Prophet to 56. Otherwise I do not see reaason to even get out of the town. On the last server I was getting ~250 gems, 2-3k MA per few hours of play. (2 windows - BD buff active, and buff on relog).
  20. По моему ест сундук в Den of Evil. На карте не вижу такой. (Там сам видел) Не вижу тоже и на Парнасе. (Там человек говорил что ест).
  21. I do not really get it. By your words what I get is, that shadow stepping should not be able to be executed, while the target is on that platform. Is this official? Or you consider it to be like that? Are there any elevation restrictions on that skill?
  22. I really do not know what you are planning and why... but for god sake do not do it.
  23. Many lab farmers do this. They pick WC/BD/SE support. So you can have, buff, dances, and stigma at the same time, with 3 account, not 4. (one pc). Outside of lab farming, there is no point doing this thou...
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