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Весь контент HellMagic1942

  1. Я лично проверил, что с ПК ест дроп. И пуха забирал, и части сета, и питомец. Ну и сам дропил иногда чут чут... Способ не дропит шмот - ПК меншее чем 5. Способ держит ПК ниже 5... квест. Способ дропит не пуха S84, а хлям - держи инвентаре с колца Д грейда :) Саб всегда сделал в начале, и такой проблем с пк тогда нету. А если потом ест, то качай свой сумон и тяни себе к сундук, когда упадаеш в пк. Работа администрации не в то, что убиват ПК, ради саб квеста всех бомжей сервера. Если не нравится тебе, то просто не делай квест.
  2. I am not suggesting to make people with scrolls to wait. I am suggesting to lower the re-spawn time a bit, so the people without scroll do not have to wait for that long.
  3. Я играл Варк/Кот/БД/СВС. С начале очен сложно. Делать все проф, квести, кач боль. После понеделника собирай 4 тру дд в рифт/зи/кат/закен/лаба. А то, когда 50/60% Камней/Спойл точки/Дроп инст и т.д падают у тебе, то тогда денег неплохо заработаеш...
  4. HellMagic1942

    Magic gem

    Гемов: 1. Балансирует фарм инст локации и фарм в поле. (Чтобь люди не висут 24/7 в рифт и ЗИ и т.д...) 2. Без их, смисле фарм ЗАКА/ФРЕЯ/ФРИНТА нету. Купил буст на 1 перс. Апнул 20 твинов. А потом топ пухи/книги продаются за копейки... 3. Держут сервер живой. Качат нових персов легко на слив, где люди с макс буст бегают. Ну и дает смисле заливатся, убивать РБ и т.д... но конечно ето просто бонус.
  5. Люди говорют - самонер... Какой самонер 3 месяц после старта? Спойлеров хотел пофармить что ли? Ммм? В принципе, ФС норм пвп перс. Пофармиш норм с начале сервера, а потом - кап. Я очен люблю сумонеров, но когда у опонента ест переточеная пуха, скилов+30, сет+10, епик бижа, талики и т.д... Тогда твой сумон 85 мало решает. А во время А сетов и бижа, самонер клас просто топ. Просто не столко время после старта...
  6. Да, пол сервер играет как тебе. А ест таких люди, которие поставляют макрос + авто кликер на 1 железо, и играют на 2рое. И так автоматически бот берет таргет, кидает дебаф и биет рядом с тобой... Много видел таких. Пошол курит, вставил макрос и кайф... И я не понимаю как люди считают что ето "нормално". Когда разница между бота и такой макрос, практически нету никакая. А жаловаться ради "банок цп" , Даже когда никакой кликер нету.
  7. пятница - шарики, соски рибу, манор, пухи китай, риба на 3 профа. суббота и воскресенье - гемов в хот спринг, риба на 3 профа. понедельника (после 18:00) - ДФ. Потом делай что хочеш: Инст (книги 76+), Гемов + Пруфи, ДФ + АА + Манор в кать, Спойл куски, Фарм рец СС/Дино пики, Рифт/Зи + манор. В конца дня покупай голд. Смисле держат адену нету... Также люди продают РАР шмот в начале по дешовке. Дино рар хеви низ + топ забрал за 120кк.
  8. When you see the cave, full with death bladers, onyx beasts and bunch of disconnected low level orcs, the last thing that comes to your mind is "beauty". And all this can be fixed by simply reducing the respawn time of the quest monsters with few seconds. You are right, ofcourse. I understand this. But the games is complicated and competitive enough at high levels as it is. It is not needed to make a trivial job as first class quest for some people, to be hours long adventure, just because they do not have transform scrolls. Especially if they are new to the game. And even more when this can be solved by lowering the respawn with few seconds.
  9. Потому что Black Visage никто не покупает, он стоит копейки всегда. Точи на 6-7 и все. МП реген/Рут лучшее чем ЕМП :)
  10. Вопрос у меня что такое руна на рейт дропа. И что значит 30 минут рандомний респ сундук. (1:30 - 2:00/ 1:45 - 2:15/2:00 - 2:30/ 1:30 - 2:30)
  11. ДА. В рифт и ЗИ у каждей перс черепашку сидит. Тру пацани берут 2-3 черепашки, и так качаются, не толко с 1. И да, даже глада с Ц дули передамажит крафта. Их никуда не берут на старте. Не смотря на то, что у их 2 раза болшее буст и магазин поставляют.
  12. Просто бей до конца. Если норм мобов убиваеш - час. Если релакс кач - два.
  13. Of course not. I get what you are saying. You are absolutely right. But I guess, lowering the respawn a bit more, even with few seconds, will help to lower the impact on that bottle-necks on those class quests that are created because of the increased population.
  14. Many classes do not care about the amount of players on the server. (As long as it does not cause them lag) Because the monsters have high drop rate, there is abundance of monsters, there are few people that pick that unpopular class, or maybe even all at once. Just because player X is taking the 5 minute Elven Elder quest every single time and remains blind for everything that is happening around him, this does not mean that there is no room for improvement on many first class quests, that get worse and worse the more people join the server. As for the "day after". One day after at the start is actually not that great as some people may think. Yes, you will be able to do your quest much easier. But the gold price will have jumped to 7-8kk. And the locations are still overcrowded. "Next day", is usually the day I create my actual character, and the only reason I find a place to level up effectively, is because my 78 WC/Summoner (last 7x it was WC) is shitting on all the noobs that are in my spot. I do not even know how to call it, its not simply overcrowded. Everywhere you look, there are people. Bunch of people. Clown fiesta. Especially those sweet spots for fast leveling. Saturday/Sunday is plain and simple hell. So after hearing "train speedrun", "buy scroll", "start next day", I think I will end it here. None of this is going to be any helpful for new players.
  15. I have been here a long long time. And on different rates and systems. Warden, Prime, Medea... I know my way around this server pretty well. Perhaps even better than you do. I just see too many people giving up too early. And "very smart" people telling such people that asterios "is not for them". While in fact much can be done to make it more easy going for new players, until they get into all the features of it. After all, your knowledge about Lineage means nothing here. You made prophet? Too bad, WC gives power and chance critical here. You are fucked. You did not use the manor system in rift/ic ? Well some people know it works, now you have to give your money to them. Have you ever wonder, why people without weapons in their hands stay endlessly near 73, and turn out to be 78 lvl ~24 hours after the server started? If anything, you should feel sorry for yourself. Knowledge about asterios gives you huge bonus over new players. And I do not think the first thing they should see here, is that they cannot finish their first class quest and that they cant even get the money for 2nd class. I am trying my best to write guides in EN, write some tips. But after all, not everything can be solved. I mean, how many new players have stash of few hundred golds on asterios? I will have premium account until I die... New players are in much worse position, and quest chains like Kusto are their only option.
  16. First: Well, yes, salamander is extremely problematic. Last server we had 5-6 orcs, 3-4 death bladers, 4-5 onyx beasts, waiting on each spot. But it is not "only problematic". Elf wizard quest, puts you in a situation where you compete with every single spellsinger and elemental summoner on the server. It is overcrowded, the monster are simply not enough. Even unpopular classes like crafter see extremely competition at the start. And your "speed run" option is not really smart at all. I mean, if you are competing with a death blader, you have very little chance to get first there. And while the faster "death bladers" do their quest, while you watch them do it, the more slower "death bladers" keep showing up. So you remain at the end of the line, no matter what. And the chance to get a last hit, are pretty much non-existent. Because every transform one-shots. If your next "helpful tip" will be "buy transform", I do not think you get what I am saying. Second: This "trick" can get in trouble pretty quick. I am not saying that I have been perfectly clean for 10 years on asterios. I mean, when it was possible, I was farming some DF the first days, every now and then by pulling stuff with my summon and killing them outside of the room. (Few years ago or whatever?) But If I am doing stupid shit now, at least I try not to annoy other players, or impact the server economy. The moment I get with my high level character up there, when it is obviously not supposed to be up there, some guy will report me, and I will have to deal with GM (and the guy who reported me will be right to do so). This is bad idea. Third: I do not say it has something to do with the administration. Exactly the opposite. I am saying that it is good idea that the administration pay a visit to such a person and slap him on the face. (Provided there is legitimate reason for it).
  17. HellMagic1942

    Room for improvement

    I want to propose some changes, and open a discussion (in case someone does not agree with me), based on the previous 7x start. Because of this "pandemic situation" with the "virus", a lot more players play the game. So first, at the server start is very hard to do your first class quest, compared to previous years. Ofcourse in some cases, the amount of players is not that critical, but there are situations where it really lead to people giving up. Did they came back after or simply left the server for good, I cannot say. All I am saying, is that during the time I was doing my first class change (about 50 minutes or so, where it could be done in half that time or less) there were countless players around me who simply logged off with red text over their heads. This was caused for two reasons: 1. The respawn of the quest monsters are not shot enough and/or the drop rate of the quest items is not high enough to compensate for the increased population. 2. The transform players are with priority over other players. (Simply because they oneshot the quest monsters). And it has been really high number of transform players, and while some are doing the quest and leaving, others are comming. And people without transform keep waiting at the end of the line. I do not mind waiting for the transformed people, but I think that the respawn rate of quest monsters could be increased even more. However, this makes the game quite competitive, and I like this part of it. I am just concerned with people giving up because of this. Second, at fresh start, getting the money from Kusto quest chain is the only reliable and fast way to have your character geared up and with 2nd class quest around 40. Many players who do not start at the very first day, end up facing a PK party at cruma. It is not natural to see 50 lvl characters, who just got their second class quests. And I think this is another reason for players to give up on the server. I think that the cruma tower level restrict is completely irrelevant now days. And I am sick of seeing "pls help" rooms in the party finder, when you know you cant help them. I am huge fan of PVP/PK content, but this is very negative towards new players. Possible solutions is removing the level restrict or creating narrow safe zone on the way to the quest giver. Third. Please someone explain to me, how at Monday, there was dual kesh +16. I mean Cabrio has respawned 2-3 times more or less. People with finished subclass quest are few hundred. You are telling me that someone bought out tons of duals from other players (who both picked it as reward, and were willing to trade it), tons of enchants and simply got it to 16? The only way to get such duals is finishing your sub-class. The usual ways to get enchants are rift, cata/blank scrolls, and gamble quests. Before monday, rift and cata are off limits. Blue gems gamble zones are heavy contested. I cannot say for sure that there is somethign fishy about it, because I have no proof. And it is theoretically possible to achieve this. However Iit is very very very very very unlikely. Even more unlikely when you ask this guy how he got it, and he says he bought it from someone, but forgot. And it happens that the same guy is selling homunculus +16. And even more unlikely that you do not see on the market bunch of C/A crystals, that usually accompany such enchanting enterprise. Maybe a manual check on such guys is not that bad as idea. Am I being paranoid?
  18. Нужны ли живые сапорты серверу? (соло игрок) НЕ. У каждому ест ПП/ВК окно. У каждому ест БД окно. 1. Количество БД/СВС онлайн не равняется. Так один раз найдеш с бардом легко кач. А другой раз ждеш часик, потому что в поиске висут 20 бардов как тебе. 2. Хилов берут не на все локации, и не все класов. (Конечно ШЕ более универсалний, и не сложно найти пак. Но ЕЕ / БИШ не нужни всем и не нужни всегда.) Как просто люди ето не поняли, я в шоке: Тот, кто собирает пак, берет с начале своих окна, а потом добирает "живие". Вариант саппорт соло игроков: ШЕ / СВС.
  19. Yes, the cheapest and the fastest way to re-stock with soul/spirit shots. The market takes off relatively early in the server cycle. I do use it both as seller and buyer. But I must agree, outside of SS/BSS there is very limited use of that market. It is rarely worth the time to even check it...
  20. Да, у меня вопрос: Что такое руна рейт дропа, +? она добавляет к рейту, спойл влияется или нет? И еше: 30 минут +/- респ тайм сундук, ето значит 1:45 до 2:15 / 2:00 до 2:30 / 1:30 до 2:30 / 1:30 до 2:00?
  21. HellMagic1942


    The short answer to this question is actually NO. Despite that the other guys claim the opposite, and the fact that they are technically correct about it. If you had the boost required to enter and complete 83 on your own, you would know better not to ask this at first place.
  22. Off-topic: all your base are belong to us. As for what you ask. PVP and FARM are two completely different things. You can choose to pick decent PVP skills OR decent FARM skills. But never both. I think this is the first thing that we should explain to that guy. After that there is huge difference where exactly you want to PVP, and where exactly do you plan to FARM. I do not see how we can suggest any build, without knowing where he is headed. I do not see what we can do, except provide full breakdown of sub-class skills, and let him choose for himself. And you already did that :)
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