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Весь контент HellMagic1942

  1. Самон канона на 68 работает ли на ТВ или толко на осадь? Summon Swoop Cannon 1 Summons a Swoop Cannon. Requires 27 Crystals: A-Grade. Consumes 13 Gemstones: B-Grade per minute
  2. Можно конечно. 1. Поставь макбук на стол. 2. Поставь нормалное желязо на макбуке. 3. Играем на желязо на макбуке.
  3. Тут на фарм инстов не клас решает, а количество твинов...
  4. Привет, а я Емперор Манкайнда, КЛ самий лучший клан Спейс Марине Легион. Я ваш великий оверлорд!
  5. Тут всегда к лорд рассвета. Если не победят, тебе не пустит 1 неделку в кать. Ето все.
  6. Для соло однозначно БИШ. 40-83 апнеш под селфах за 10-15 минут. А потом соло лабу, соло зака, соло БФрея. И фулл пак в +10 нагибаеш сам. Даже без трансформа. С винд страйком... Не надо тратит время на саб скилов, ето оверкил... А нубл нафармиш на ТВ сам. Удачи
  7. Ето 100% правда. Я тоже ФП фармю, иногда так получается. На лвл не жал, но время... Но такое можно получтся на любая локация, потому я не переживаю. Фармил кать и всегда буду.
  8. Соп не продай за копейки, а на дули для саба. С начале сервера продадеш все что нафармиш. (потом сложно). Адамантита не броси в магазин, а продай. На последнего сервера продавал по 10-15к/шт. АА меншее 10 не будут. А когда мамона нету, в конца неделку гемов по 1.1-1.2кк продаются легко. Ето значит АА 11-12. И по 1.5кк продавал, когда повезло... На маноре МА нафармиш норм. ДФ если на входе продаеш идет денег по-болшее. По любая цена люди берут... даже если до тебе гном продает в 2 раза нише. Да, 300кк не получиш... Но 200кк вполне реално.
  9. ХАХАХАХ ето ... конспирация такая... У нас перец нормалний, долгий как у вас. А когда я смотрю какоето там "кулинарное шоу", там всегда в приготовление еда ест "булгарский перец"... Я в булгарии уже 30+ лет, такой перец ни разу не видел в поле. Для какой хрен "булгарский" назовается... и понятие не имею.
  10. Я булгар. С булгарская азбука пишу. А ваш език сам учил, из интернета. Тебе учили в школу как писать слова 12 лет, а я так... сам себе за пару год... Не хотел обидеть тебя. Я честно стараюсь.
  11. В принципе не. Но во то время, когда коней на дино фармят, люди бегают по кать 50-60... А на дино пушки по 200-300кк падают... не часто, но за часов 4-5 примерно. Дино самая лучшая локация для старта. А во время А сетов и бижа, будеш люди с 1 нюк убивать.
  12. Там коневода и под селфах стоит... БД не нужен. Скорост бега увеличает еффективност когда мобов ведеш. А еше ХП, МДЕФ, ОТКАТ решает пвп когда дратся на споте... А все что ест у ШЕ для магов, ест у серафима тоже.
  13. Да и Не. Опит в поле всегда идет +100%. Но опит с инстов - не все ( К примеру, в рифт получаеш +100% опита, на Зака/Лаба не пулучаеш). С квеста - не. С некоторие квеста даже и по х7 не идет. И дроп тоже так. В поле фармиш в 2 раза болшее, но дроп Зака не удвоится для тебе. Так что если на инстов хочеш толко и на слив / залив, тогда тебе лак не надо болшее... там и в пак на лак не держут.
  14. У серафима ест баф емп, вм, клару... Для какой хрен Ше тебе надо? Бафиш серафима себе, сумониш миража и фармиш. Бери свс для бега, защиту и откат скилов. Мобов агри на себе и нюкай. Никакой ПП никакой ШЕ... Ето срам просто...
  15. HellMagic1942

    Hobo Dream Guide #1

    If you want to be Hobo, this is the best guide you can get for this server. You have few classes at your disposal: 1. Treasure Hunter - for stealth. 2. Bounty Hunter - for farming cash. 3. Human or Dark Elf - for summoning and anti-spoil. 4. Gladiator - for killing people who do not allow you to be Hobo. Chapter 1: Loot picking There are two kinds of gathering free stuff from the ground. Passive and Aggressive. With the passive, you are picking stuff no one else wants, and doesn't give a damn about it. Good place to start is Goddard>Shrine of Loyalty. While doing their 3rd class quest, people never pick their drop from the ground. They will never say anything against it, and will never PK you. You are free to collect everything your eye sees, including common A weapons that will sell for 5-8kk at the early stages of the game. The only problem with the passive gathering is that there are other nasty Hobos around, that you will be competing with. To avoid this competition, you can do aggressive loot picking. This is when you get stuff that obviously is not yours, and people DO MIND that. Such activity is often accompanied with a lot of rebuffing, teleport back to the spot, etc. This is where a summoner class will come in handy. One of the best places for aggressive loot picking will be Schuttgart. > Pavel Ruins. Archer parties stay rooted at one place. And in best case scenarios, they will have one looter to cover huge area. So it is very easy to collect stuff that isn't yours by simple going into different direction than their looter. Common stuff that you may find is S grade jewels and armors. Best class to do it is Treasure Hunter with stealth. Thanks to the dangerous nature of this work, you will find no competition from other Hobos, while doing this. Chapter 2: AOE spoiling The most profitable way to make huge amount of Hobo-Cash in no time. You need to go to some nice place, the more crowded the better. (People will be less tempted to slay you down in PK, fearing that they will lose their spot). One such place is Forge of Gods. People make huge mob-trains, that you can spoil all at once - very effective way to spend your mana. The profit from this will be no less than TENS OF MILLIONS per hours, and the only competition for you are the nasty Hobos, who went that low, that they decided to join a party and work for other people than themselves! Can you imagine how immoral this is? Other good way is following a random party in the Dragon Valley. Those noble stones are very shiny and equally expensive... Sometimes it happens like that, that no one in the party ever realizes you are not a member of it, and you can spoil for free for hour or so, before they see what is going on and take you in PK. It is not uncommon to get whole weapon from this... Also, people are nice in catacombs. If you are not bothering with them, you can just peacefully stay and spoil, until you get bored as hell. Chapter 3: Dealing with enemy Hobos This is where the things get nasty. You cant just let other people be Hobo, when there is place of only one REAL Hobo on Asterios, can you? This is where your human and dark elf summoners come into play. Here is something about them that you did not know. Every summoner was once a mage, that had the potential to become a great one. And humans and dark elves, unlike elves, have dealings with dark magic. In particular they know the following spell: Corpse Life Drain. The most underrated spell that exists on Asterios history, that is yet to become 15 years, hands down everybody. Every Mage or Summoner, who can execute that spell decides the fate of the Hobos that are nearby. A full buffed enemy Hobo is no match to your summoner, armed with one blessed spirit shot and a casting potion. There is no way, and I repeat again: NO WAY WHATSOEVER, for an enemy Hobo to make any profit while you are around. That spell you have triggers almost instantly, while at the same time those fat Hobos are trying to collect their loot from that slain Red Champion. The mana cost and cooldown of that spell is so low, that you will never stop doing it. You can deny whole 9 man party their spoil, until they are forced to relocate or slay you in PK. Chapter 4: Dealing with PK I have a confession to make. I had no fucking idea how to make a baby pet when I started playing here. And I always wanted one. And the first time I got one, is because someone was so stupid, to take me in PK around 20 times. And was unfortunate enough to drop his pet on the ground, when I finally showed him who is the real Hobo. My first improved baby pet. Years later I knew how to make them and level them, but I will never forget the one that was owned by the most arrogant person playing on the server at that time. Now, you can kill people with any class. But just killing them is not enough. You need to strike fear in their hearts and make them regret even thinking for attacking you. And the way to do this is with Gladiator. No really. No other way. That critical strike from your triple sonic slash not only looks good, but hurts as hell. And here is the time for some math - the more STR you have, the higher your chance of dealing critical strikes with your physical skills. So place dye of +STR and buy sets for +STR so you can just one shot Hobos with it. I hope you have enjoyed my guide, and now you know how to make your dream of becoming Hobo #1 on Asterios. Good luck everyone!
  16. На 80+ с чара 80+ шанс 100% с семя ДМП. Но там в школе ничто не наманариш. Даже манорит чампов смисле нету...
  17. Ред коба ето 65-75(СК фарм) там штраф будет и на моба и на тебе. Хрен , а не плод получиш. Дезерт коба до 81 идет (МА фарм) и потом щтраф. Из вариантов без щтрафа толко фармит греат коба можно.(На ДМП.) Там с 100% фармится. Даже на 85. Да если админ заходит в игре, сумонит по откату и убиват красних чампов ради тебе, и все манор у тебе... да в теории так и 10к нафармиш. А я в рифте и ЗИ (там, кудато фулл пати за меня работает нон стоп) по 1-2к макс забрал. Даже если повезло с комнята чампов...
  18. За 10+ лет тут, бил под икона ТК толко 1 раз, за пару минут... Так что нужен или не, никто тебе не скажет, потому что таких ПВЕ ТК просто нету. По идее, ТК нагибает оли и все.
  19. Будеш манорит 78 лвл моб? С семя 80+? И чар с блокировка опита наверно, да? И будеш фармит по откату семя? 3600? Мдааааа.... Для такой план, даже теоретический шанс въйполнение нету.
  20. Вот нашел: https://forum.asterios.tm/topic/465474-30245-30278/?tab=comments#comment-7489681 Изм:31 авг. 2017 -Chant of Victory дает как силу, так и шанс критического удара.
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