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hi im new player in x5 and i want know who start spoil or destroyer i want play in x5 not go x7 so what pick for solo

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How come you're new player?



  В 22.08.2020 в 07:12, rycka сказал:

so what pick for solo


pick any kind you want.

Изменено пользователем HawkC4
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  В 22.08.2020 в 09:50, rycka сказал:

x5 new i always play in x7 and x5 is diffirent serwer and hard


Could you please clarify the difference between x5 and x7 (except the obvious rates) and whay is it harder?

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But it is the same in terms of professions and skills. No difference. Hence you can play any.

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  В 22.08.2020 в 07:12, rycka сказал:

hi im new player in x5 and i want know who start spoil or destroyer i want play in x5 not go x7 so what pick for solo


Hello there.

I do not want to sound disrespectful, and ignore your desire to start on x5.

However, I must say this.


If you choose to start on x7 now, you will be getting 40% more experience.

Leveling up solo is quite time consuming progress. Especially at x5 rate. If you are playing 1-2 hours a day, it may take months to get to highest levels.


At x7, there will be many people around you. You can find casual party easy. Many people will join from x5 to the x7, so the server will feel quite empty at lower level zones.


Picking premium account in x7 is not that hard. Gold price is very very low. You can get your week amount in hour farm or so. This is not true for x5 server.

So you will be leveling at rate of x14 instead of x5. 


You will also get your character transferred to x5 after 6 months, so nothing you have gained will be lost.


The whole idea of this x7 server is to give the option of new players to catch up and enter Asterios x5 faster than usual.

It seems wrong not to take advantage of it.


At least this is how I see it.  Good luck.

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