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login problem


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I have problem with entering server is it possible that im banned ? And if i am can the bann be removed ? i have played asterios many years ago  and i would like to do so again.Thanks in advance


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Describe the problem in more detail, at what stage of logging into the server you have a problem.

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when i enter my account and password and press enter

i think i have hwid bann for botting from 5-6 years ago

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i do not have a client at the moment i tryed 3-4 days ago and when i didnt login  i deleted it i will download now again and add screen later,friend told me there is a chance im banned.


why there is no section Files? where i can download client now?

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  В 30.01.2023 в 16:39, Vladvajara сказал:

i do not have a client at the moment i tryed 3-4 days ago and when i didnt login  i deleted it i will download now again and add screen later,friend told me there is a chance im banned.



why there is no section Files? where i can download client now?



The link to the updater is in our Telegram channel - https://t.me/asterios/189


Or you can register a new account, there will be a link in the registration email - https://asterios.tm/index.php?cmd=account&mod=reg

It is not necessary to confirm registration if you do not need a new account.


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