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Question about server features


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Hello, I'm interested in starting on the 5x server, however there're few things I'd like to ask about before joining:


1) Are there any server details available? Like rates etc., special NPCs and such. I'm especially curious about quest drop rate and quest reward rate.

2) Are all quests working or are there some known to not work? 

3) Are quest items dropping even if you're high level? For example if you're 80 and hunting level 20 mobs for quest items?

4) Maximum ammount of subclasses? 

5) How old is server?

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1) https://asterios.tm/index.php?cmd=about   ( DDoS attacks are inevitable especially when you start a new server but the administration is struggling with this )

 X5 is the main server exists for more than 11 years

2) most jobs are working but some are different from the official (more easier or a little less / more especially applies to the 7 seals )

3) Yes max level (85) you can do the job by killing small mobs 

4) maximum switch in a peaceful area between the 3 sub classes

5) X5 is the main server exists for more than 11 years

I advise you to try on X7 it opened a couple of months ago and now there is much more online

Edited by Murakami
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If to compare x7 and x5 servers There are some advantages and disadvantages in both of them.

x5 - you can buy everything you want. The market is great and the lots of goods are being sold day by day. If you have good online or a company - you'll reach the level of average players very quick. But if you want to reach top- it's very difficult. Moreover it's very hard to create your own clan and make it succesfull.


x7 - harder to become average player. Market is poorer than x5. But grinding, clan-creating is much easier. 

So choose ^^

P.s. x5- 11years. x7- 3 months.    

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@Murakami @RemM thanks for answers guys. I don't aim to be top, I'm a solo player, I just like questing and stuff, for me it's better if there aren't too many people on low level :) 


So I'd like a clarification on the point 1 - does anyone know what's the quest item drop rate on the x5 Asterios? Thanks in advance :P

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2 часа назад, Murakami сказал:

4) maximum switch in a peaceful area between the 3 sub classes

3 sub-classes, and u can level each of them to 85


1 час назад, Lightkeeper сказал:

So I'd like a clarification on the point 1 - does anyone know what's the quest item drop rate on the x5 Asterios?

According to administrators of the server, each quest has its own rates. There are several options, either quest reward is x5 or drop chance x7 or there're no rate at all (in specific occasions)


Also do not forget about referal system, u can register an acc with a some great guy's referal link, so u'll get 1 Gold after 2nd transfer quest and 10 Golds after 3rd transfer quest completed



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18 часов назад, Lightkeeper сказал:

@Murakami @RemM thanks for answers guys. I don't aim to be top, I'm a solo player, I just like questing and stuff, for me it's better if there aren't too many people on low level :) 


So I'd like a clarification on the point 1 - does anyone know what's the quest item drop rate on the x5 Asterios? Thanks in advance :P

Each quest has it's own rates. For example Spirit Beads have x1 rate. But the 3d occupation has x3 or x5 rates. 
But the most of money-quests have x1 rates.

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6 hours ago, RemM said:

Each quest has it's own rates. For example Spirit Beads have x1 rate. But the 3d occupation has x3 or x5 rates. 
But the most of money-quests have x1 rates.


I see, I'm most interested in the collector quests, like this: http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Fantasy_Wine... Just collecting various quest items, it's fun for me :dash:


Could somebody please check for example that quest (Fantasy Wine) for me with high level char (80+)? I'm curious if the quest items are falling and what's the item drop rate :) Thank you much in advance.

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18 hours ago, Lightkeeper said:


I see, I'm most interested in the collector quests, like this: http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Fantasy_Wine... Just collecting various quest items, it's fun for me :dash:


Could somebody please check for example that quest (Fantasy Wine) for me with high level char (80+)? I'm curious if the quest items are falling and what's the item drop rate :) Thank you much in advance.


/bump, I know it sound stupid but it's important for me ^_^

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here you go


killed 3 enku orc shamans and got 3 items

Скрытый текст





killed 1 enku orc hero and got 1 item

Скрытый текст



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22 hours ago, Меджик said:

here you go


killed 3 enku orc shamans and got 3 items

  Reveal hidden contents





killed 1 enku orc hero and got 1 item

  Reveal hidden contents




Thanks man ^_^

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On 19. 11. 2017 at 6:50 PM, Lightkeeper said:

Don't want to create a new thread for this, but what happens to the x7 server once the online goes down? Will it get merged into the x5? ^_^


/bump, sorry for spamming but I'm looking for a longterm server and I want to know my character won't get wiped after a year or two :)

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16 часов назад, Lightkeeper сказал:


/bump, sorry for spamming but I'm looking for a longterm server and I want to know my character won't get wiped after a year or two :)

There was x7 servers called Phoenix (1, 2, 3, ... etc.) and they got merged every half a year

The new x7 Chimera server is not being gone to be merged. It can be fused not earlier than at the end of the summer'18 (minimum a 1 year living time) and only in case of emergency such as a very low game player population, for example


Admin's Original quote

В 30.08.2017 в 00:08, Admin сказал:

Слияние с х5 (или другим сервером) будет производиться только в случае необходимости (если онлайн слишком сильно уменьшится), и по нашему плану, не ранее, чем следующим летом.


Any characters have been never wiped at Asterios project, you should not worry 

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On 23. 11. 2017 at 2:39 AM, Меджик said:

There was x7 servers called Phoenix (1, 2, 3, ... etc.) and they got merged every half a year

The new x7 Chimera server is not being gone to be merged. It can be fused not earlier than at the end of the summer'18 (minimum a 1 year living time) and only in case of emergency such as a very low game player population, for example


Admin's Original quote


Any characters have been never wiped at Asterios project, you should not worry 


Thanks man, you've been greatly helpful :)

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Still deciding... I'm not a regular player to rush leveling up and PvP, I'm really most into the questing and foolin around so perhaps the 5x would work better for me since nobody will bother me on low levels... But then again 7x is fresh server so it also has its pluses.... I don't know yet :dash:

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i went to x5 some years ago and still haven't regret it ;)


Even if i stopped 3 years before to go for one more time on official (Chronos) but anyway the drama and the shitty players are too many here so i stucked again here, even if 99,9 of server is Russian and to find someone to communicate in english is like searching a needle at the ocean xD


Well if u start also on x5 can help u with some items if u need...


Keep in touch mate

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