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С недавнего времени появилась проблема Оверлея(показывание говорящих) от программы Mumble. Сначала думал что это от самой этой программы баг но после понял, что это только на Asteriose, поэтому администрация Mumble предложила отправить гмам это письмо.


I'm one of the developers of Mumble (http://mumble.sourceforge.net), a VoIP tool for gaming.

One of Mumble's features that users really appreciate is an in-game overlay showing who is talking. Today, this is implemented by injecting a DLL into the gaming process which will detour IDirect3D9::CreateDevice, CreateDeviceEx, wglSwapBuffers etc. The approach works, but has some problems:

1) There are many applications that wish to do overlays this way. In addition to Mumble, Steam has its own overlay, as does X-Fire, FRAPS and others. If you are running more than one of these, their code replacements will overwrite each other, resulting either in only one of them working, or an application crash.

2) All of these applications modify the game's memory in some way, which becomes a problem for anti-cheat utilities. While the developers of such utilities could ban all such overlays, the overlays are very popular, and so they have to spend long hours analyzing each overlay and whitelisting its injection method, something cheaters abuse by emulating known overlays.

3) The methods do not always work cleanly. Games may have bugs in their rendering engine that are only exposed when running with an overlay.

Full process injection is powerful and flexible, but all such overlay program really needs is a way to display a texture on top of the game window when the application is running full screen.

Would you consider adding (or exposing if it already exists) an API for fullscreen "outside application" overlays? We'd be happy to do texture conversion to whatever format is preferable and follow any additional restrictions that are necesarry. Such an API would mean more stable overlays, all of which would work at the same time, as well as an easier job for anti-cheat developers."

Прошу понять и учесть этот баг хотя он и не влияет на игровой процесс, но многим кланам пользующимся данной программой не удобно воспринимать говорящего. Спасибо за понимание.

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заработало,но вот в игру некоторым не зайти;)так что лучше бы и не делали)))

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да оверлай работает, но в игру не заходит(

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А нет все заходит)) огромное вам спасибо

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