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Весь контент Emma

  1. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    if drop rates were x10, and exp/sp x5, you would be 85 and without enough money..it would be no sense to buy PA. 12-00 AM GMT +3(4?)
  2. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    create the topic here http://forum.asterios.tm/index.php?showforum=90 for ex. BD/SE 18:00-01:00 LF CP mention your contacts/experience and preferred professions inside the topic. prime time should be acc. to Moscow GMT+3(4?). To find a good party, you should be online in prime time 18:00 - 00:00 GMT+3, have a possibility to use Ventrilo/Skype with microphone...and experience in Hardin or any official server. LOL? ALL RATES BECOME x2! You get adena/drop/spoil x2, too. Everything besides quest items. At least it was as such on Hardin. And i hope they won't change it!!!! It was very convenient, e.g. to take Luck on your spoiler for one day and spoil everything you needed 2 times faster.
  3. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    do not forget you can gather silvers in game. i provided 2 chars with S80 on x5 without donating a cent, not counting sets i sold) i have always bought gold for adena. 1 silver was appr. 1kk, 1 gold - appr. 12kk. 3 golds = PA for a week. 36kk a week was not much if you were an active player. Premiun Account is rates x10!!! for everything besides quest items (and without PA you get x5rates) and when there is ONE player without PA in a party, party exp and rates lowers significantly , so without the PA it was harder to find exp party..and so on) i do not know how fast one gets enough silver for PA with SMS voting. i'll ask some ppl and write it tomorrow. also i'm not aware about the PayPal. As for Prime: ( for most hardcore players))) x1. no premium accounts. Gracia Epilogue. No BOTS (as well as ANY Asterios server) NO dualboxes. No gold/silver. no common or shadow items. you can buy only low and middle C/D grade in armor and weapon shops Luxor doesn't sell B grade. SA is not sold. Mammon enhances weapons only till top C grade. There is no exchange. Vitality ends 2 times faster. Teleports are NOT free even for newbies. Party exp bonus is increased Books for 2nd and 3rd profession added to drop, traders do not sell them anymore Newbie buffs only till 39 lv You can't get Noblesse via Territory Wars There is no alternative quest for Baium. (no 30 white clothes...) No easier quest for 2nd profession (for 3kk) Master Toma teleports again When mobs kill you, there's chance that you lose random thing If you drop some item when dying from a mob, he takes it, but it drops again if you kill that mob. Augmentation doesn't protect from losing things and disappears when you lose it. Solo kamaloka is available without premium account. There are no extra entrance tickets. Ships move much quicker, new routes added, "parking" time shortened Added wiverns as cheap alternative to teleports. AA/adena is not sold. No premium accounts, no vote bonuses. Referral bonus is 1kk getting the 2nd profesion and 10kk - the 3rd. Offline trade costs 50k for 14 days Offline trade will be partly substituted by commission shop via NPC. Offline craft will be still working. MAYBE Admins will add: char/pet name change, changing of sex of a character, subclass separation, inventory/warehouse/clan warehouse expansion. For adena, resources or by quest.
  4. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    See the http://asterios.tm/index.php? , the current online is 1129 2829 3975 3490 on each of servers. And this is daytime when 70% serious players are at work/studying. To summarize, i think that from 1,6k to 5k LIVE PEOPLE)) i guess it's gonna be interesting, hehe minimum donate; things that can ifluence the ingame balance, are NOT sold. read my first post, i added new info: GENERAL INFORMATION 10 silver=1 gold. You can buy different plesant things in ingame shop (ALT+B ) with them (buff scrolls/agathions/accessories), but there are no (and i hope will never be) Blesed Enchants and other items that could ruin the balance of the game.
  5. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    as for Hardin, there is a cat in Giran and many other cities who sells professions - 1,2 and 3 profession - 100k, 1kk and 50kk (as for 3rd i haven't bought it so i'm not quite sure) i hope that they will do the same with the new serv but quests are still working.
  6. If there IS such a possibility i hope Administration will do it! Если для этого форума есть дополнительный английский языковой пакет, то я думаю , что администрация его может добавить вопрос даже не дополнительных 50+ задротов на сервере - вопрос престижа и рейтинга сервера... ИМХО
  7. Emma

    FAQ on new x5

    For English-speaking players. Please PM with corrections. kinda translation of http://forum.asterio...showtopic=68533 Q: When is the opening day of the new server? А:11 September 2010, 12:00 AM GMT+3(4?) (Moscow time zone) Q: What rates are going to be? А:×5, same a Hardin. Some modifiers will be calculated non-linearly. Q: Is there going to be LUCK? (Luck, or premium account, PA - if server rates are x5 and you buy PA, your rates are x10 for everything ( not x5). Doesn't influence the drop of quest items.) А: Yes,but only in two weeks after the server launch. Q: Is PA(Luck) going to work on the new server, if we buy it on x3 or x5 (Hardin)? А: Yes,but only in two weeks after the launch. Q: Are all the other ALT+B functions going to be available right after the launch? А: Yes, same as Hardin. Q: What is the maximum number of online players the new server will be able to sustain? А: Minimum10 000. The server has already been undergone successful test with 8 600. Q: What hardware does the new server have? А: The new х5 is going to be situated together with old х5(Hardin).The players will be quite comfortable with 24 cores and 64 GB ram. Q: If the hardware fails to sustain both servers,what will the administration do? А: If there are any problems with hardware performance, we will urgently buy a new server and install it within a month. Q: What compilation of the game will be installed on the new server? А: The new х5 is going to be the exact copy of the old one. In case if Freya is already installed on all our servers, this server will have Freya, too. Q: How are clan hall auctions going to be held? А: А:They are going to be held in standard manner. The first auction is going to end in two weeks after the launch. Q: What is the maximum amount of dualboxes? А: 2 for free, the third for 10 silvers a week. Q: When are you going to wipe this server? А: Never. If the number of people online falls dramatically, the merging of servers will be possible. Q: What is the maximum level of safe enchant? A: The maximum level of safe enchant for all the items besides fullbody armor +3. For fullbody armor they are +4. Q: I don’t like the Russian version of the game. Can I switch it off? A: Yes, you can. You should find the file Asterios.ini in asterios folder and change the lang=ru to lang=en. The Russian translation of NPC dialogs can be switched off by entering .lang in chat. Q: Are there any unique ingame commands? А: Yes,you can read the list here - http://forum.asterio...?showtopic=2345 (I’ll add it later) Q: Is there any difference in regenerating Vitalityin Online and offline mode? А: Оffline Vitality regenerates 4 times quicker.. If your character is in Оffline Trade mode, it is considered Online. Q: Are there going to be chat moderators? А: Yes, but only in two weeks after the server launch. Commands entered into chat · .help – help with commands · .whoami or .whoiam – your character info · .pflag – pointing out to all the party members the direction in which the current player is · .cflag – the same, only for the clan · .exp – exact amount of exp left to the next level up · .cfg – different settings · .lang [ru|en] – switching the language of NPC dialogs · .cfg dli [on|of] – displaying the droplist with SHIFT+click · .cfg noe [on|of] – exp block (exp approaches to 99.99% and stops) · .cfg trace [on|of] – debug command for searching the way and displaying all the mid-points · .cfg notraders [on|of] – cancelling the display of all the traders. forc omputers with poor performance · .cfg notShowBuffAnim [on|of] – cancels the display of some effects. forc omputers with poor performance · .cfg translit [on|of|la] – switching ON the reverse transliteration mode · .lock - locks the account with the IP addressor subnet in CIDR notation ( http://ip2cidr.com/). Is prolonged every time when you enter the account. · .offline – leaving the character in offline trade mode. (Requires silver – E.) · .password – changing the account password. · .km-all-to-me – Clan Leader can summon all the members of his/her clan to him/her by using this command. Requires 5 summon crystals from every person who is summoned. · .repair – repairing of the damaged account (if you face error message entering your account or if your character is stuck somewhere). To use this command, you must create another character on this very account and enter the command from it. After that the “problem” character is automatically moved to the nearest city, and all its armor – to the warehouse.) In such cases it is also highly recommended to make a fullcheck of the L2client. The command is sensitive to cAsE sHiFt. · .status – displaying the current server version. x55 Hunter: .lock and .password commands don’t work here. Voting inMMOtop (Getting gold and silver) First o all I would like to announce that maybe there are better ways to get coins on Asterios than described. That’s how I see it. And please PM with any corrections of the info. GENERAL INFORMATION 10 silver=1 gold. You can buy different plesant things in ingame shop (ALT+B ) with them (buff scrolls/agathions/accessories), but there are no (and i hope will never be) Blesed Enchants and other items that could ruin the balance of the game. First vote –you get nothing. Second,third. etc. vote – you get from 0 to 5 silver coins (random). Some say chars named without numbers get more coins (e.g. you’d better vote for Clara, ratherthan C1ara). But this is pure random IMHO. You can vote only for one char a day(24 hours). There is a possibility to create your account and verify it via SMS, if you have dynamic IP then this is for you, because it will always be too late to vote) VOTING 1) Open the link http://la2.mmotop.ru/vote/9411/ If it’s your first vote, then you will get this picture. «ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ» means “ATTENTION!” You can also see time left till the next vote (when you are actually going to get coins). 2) When you vote a second time, enter the name of your char, choose the server and enter CAPTCHA. 3) Ifvoting once in 24 hours is not enough for you, then you can vote via SMS The list of available countries: PRICE I guess the price is different for every country..... for Poland this is 2.00 PLN, for UK - 0.50 GBP,Germany - 0.99 EUR. To see the price you must choose your country. One SMS vote = 2 simple votes. EXAMPLE Letters are case SenSiTiVe. You should enter Latin letters only. If there is an error in mesage, the company is not responsible for that. NOTE Please be careful and attentive. I do not have info whether it works correctly in other countries (though i hope it does!), therefore you are doing this on your own responsibility!
  8. 1) Asgard В Асгарде, обители древних богов сверкают мечи, проливается кровь Разделяй и пируй, люби, пока жив Только помни, что смерть твой угасит порыв.. 2) Fior Фиор, обреченное пламя небес Чарующий танец зеленых завес Меч - единственный спутник бессонных ночей И дремлет дракончик на правом плече... 3) Norfolk Норфолк, за корону до смерти стоять! Честь клана в бою сможем мы доказать. Гордо реет шелковое знамя в руках Над захваченной крепостью взвился наш флаг!
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