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Весь контент EliasGR79

  1. Some users stated that also with 23H2 faced the same problem. Only solution for now is to go back to Windows 10 or find image with windows 11 with 22H2 and disable auto updates!
  2. Yes, i did, i rolled back to Windows 10 (Clean Format) as this problem occurred since last updates 23H2 and 24H2 of Windows11 And the problem is that you cant go back to 22H2 which was the most STABLE update , but i saw on forums that Microsoft is running to solve this problem with a new update. Keep in touch and also check the tech forums , there are many claims regarding this issue in many platforms/Games not only L2.
  3. You see? I told you the same.... And to many accounts that NOT related with the subject at all..... And then they ask VOTE for this server !!! Well there is another way, LEGAL, and if they reach me to my limits i can use it very easily and with 100% success! I'm just waiting to see how it gonna go soon!
  4. Thank you bro. I really appreciate it.
  5. But i didn't cheated in any way! So I'm still waiting an official answer from them! I did ticket 3 days now.....still no Answer! And that's not good cause they lose and TRUST and SUPPORT ! Unfortunately! Academy easy way to make money i agree and i'm using it as well long time now... Opa Stani my crazy leader! Elfitza here!
  6. By the way Stani , today i got an account ban and im still waiting the reason WHY !!! If you want please remove me from academy....This thing is a joke, as it was a brand new account and i did nothing wrong .....ffs
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