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Сообщения, опубликованные Mitru

  1. Hi, I've encounter recently very big difficulties with game, starting on Friday I think, whole weekend and event today: every few minutes, sometimes in hours, but anyway constantly lags, freezes, even situation when few boxes are lagging for few minutes and then back to "normal". I've done few restart, call my provider, check everything and nothing changes. Could someone please tell me what/where is the problem? 


  2. Hi to all and hope this message finds you well.


    I try already so many times to buy few Gold Coins, but with no success, but the crypto stuff is not for me.

    I play on Medea for long time and I wonder why there is no possibility to activate Luck on Medea X3 and it also be available on X1?

    2nd box is working from Medea, maybe should the Premium Account too?


    There is any change we can have this option?


    I will really appreciate constructive feedback and hope for some results.

    Have a good game everyone.

  3. I understand that it is the era of crypto, but there is tons of different possibilities and options to make payments, I meant for the most of casual players.

    At least I think there could be a different options for Visa/Mastercard.


    I speak with Interkassa support, they ask to try payments with cards with VPN, it could help, (COULD). :)

    Not everyone will handle the time and steps with virtual wallets, but I will do my best.

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