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Donation method - PayPal


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I was wondering if it is possible to implement donation method via PayPal, it would be much more easier than the other methods that i got for my country - sms-wise, which I still cannot figure out how it workz.

Изменено пользователем MissLone
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I think right now the administration is too busy with getting the new server in a good shape, u must have noticed the problemsrolleyes.gif.

So don't expect someone to answer soon.

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I don't really expect anyone to even answer it in the near good two weeks or so ... I just wanted to leave it as a somethin that might be added to the "TO DO" list =)... eventually.

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You can use the system of electronic currency exchange, as an example  Google search  but you need to check-in system Web Money. Perhaps in the future will be added to new methods of payment such as PayPal and e-payments via bank cards

and sorry for bad English, was to blame Google Translator

Изменено пользователем NATHAN
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Yeah, payments directly from bank accounts/cards would be probably the best way, oh well, we are not in a hurry, got bigger issues now i believe, but still looking forward to it .

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to convert paypal money into WMZ will take 14% commission

i think it would be much better if administration made paypal available....because otherwise this seems a huge loss of money...

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sms is possible from many countries, so mby try some clan or ally member to donate for u and u just transfer the money to his debit card ... and its comision free

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maybe you should try play without donation? it's more interesting, belive me rolleyes.gif

Изменено пользователем TatarEn
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Here Admin told:

You can purchase check Paymer here: http://www.vinport.net/buy?itemid=175

We accept payments from them.

Payment by a credit card. For an exchange you receive id and password. In our site you choose payment by check Paymer and enter there your data.

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to convert paypal money into WMZ will take 14% commission

i think it would be much better if administration made paypal available....because otherwise this seems a huge loss of money...

Изменено пользователем Stryke
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