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Лс вообще не ловяться(


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  В 03.11.2012 в 17:07, HeySex сказал:

это же не стабильный показатель) вставь ещё 10 и возможно не 1 не словишь :lol:

стабильный)) не я один так ловлю, мне ж и подсказал знакомый за этот прикол, я тоже не верил))) вот опять взял топов 6 штук 70лвл, опять татушки :(
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  В 03.11.2012 в 17:50, Экс сказал:

стабильный)) не я один так ловлю, мне ж и подсказал знакомый за этот прикол, я тоже не верил))) вот опять взял топов 6 штук 70лвл, опять татушки :(

окей ,ща гляну)

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  В 03.11.2012 в 18:56, ItachiNight сказал:

Я хз вы неудачники, ловлю такими все нужные лсы

да куда нам до тебя, мб тебе в таком случае стоит ловить простыми лсками 46 ур?
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  В 03.11.2012 в 19:45, HeySex сказал:

да куда нам до тебя, мб тебе в таком случае стоит ловить простыми лсками 46 ур?

их бить сложно, пока выбьеш уже качнулся
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обычными 85лвл ЛСами все ловится, шанс что с топов, что с таких, одинаков

можно и 76лвл обычные

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  В 04.11.2012 в 07:28, VVTF сказал:

обычными 85лвл ЛСами все ловится, шанс что с топов, что с таких, одинаков

чувак дело говорит=)
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блин где ты раньше был, я бы мидами не ловил все свои скилы :D

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  В 04.11.2012 в 11:38, Экс сказал:

блин где ты раньше был, я бы мидами не ловил все свои скилы :D

я ловил и топами и мидами, и все чем можно, на своем опыте познал

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  В 03.11.2012 в 14:12, ЛЕКТОР сказал:

Хайды 76 тащат,любой нюк,+1 к статам,пасивки активки,инфа 100% -_-

Что такое Хайд ЛС ? :wacko:

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  В 07.09.2012 в 14:45, soultaker сказал:

базар фильтруй, невбай.

Я вам скажу вам что будет дальше: можете агриться, разводить форумный срач, плодить сотни подобных тем, только ничего не изменится. Всё как есть так и останется. А вы по ноете, по ноете и пойдете мободрочить.

Бес,че ты тявкаешь в каждой теме

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Какими ЛСами поймать целку и хил? Поведусь мнению большинства :dash:

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Как вы надоели. Все лс максимального уровня ловятся с 76 до 86. Чем выше грейд, тем выше шанс. Остальное - корейский рандом.

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Чем выше лвл ЛСа и грейд тем лутше

Вот таблица -->>

Life Stone: normal grade

Life Stone: medium grade

Life Stone: high grade

Life Stone: top grade

Всего есть 10 лвлов Life Stone 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 76.

Соответственно уровень персонажа должен быть не меньше чем лвл вставляемого Life Stone.

Тип Life Stone влияет на внешний вид оружия после "улучшения" и на цвет, получившийся в статах вашего оружия в результате улучшения (синий, желтый, фиолетовый, красный)

То есть чем Выше лвл и тип вставляемого Life Stone тим больше шанс получить хороший бонус.

Вставить Life Stone можно у любого кузнеца в городе. Для вставки потребуются Gemstone.

S Grade Weapon - 25 C Grade gemstones

A Grade Weapon - 20 C Grade gemstones

B Grade Weapon - 30 D Grade gemstones

C Grade Weapon - 20 D Grade gemstones

Так же с Вас снимут небольшую сумму денег за снятие улучшение.

S grade weapon removal: 480k

A grade weapon removal: 330k (low A grade), 390k (mid A Grade), 420k (top A grade)

B grade weapon removal: 240k (low B grade), 270k (top B grade)

C grade weapon removal: 95k (Low C grade), 150k (mid C grade), 210k (top C grade)

После снятия "улучшения" с оружия, SA остается. После снятия "улучшения" оружие можно продать, передать через трейд и т.д.

Максимальное кол-во улучшений, которые могут быть добавлены в оружие - 4. Результаты делятся на 7 видов:

Улучшение атакующих способностей.

M.def, p.def

M.atk, p.atk

Increase in HP, MP, CP

Regen speed in HP, MP, CP


Landing rate


Каждое из вышеперечисленных улучшений может получиться на 1-м оружии максимум 2 раза. Например такой большой численный результат как +37.7 focus, не может быть получен в одном оружии в этом же значении 2-й раз.

Улучшение основных характеристик.

Могут быть изменены только STR, CON, MEN, INT.

Так же можно получить бонус к своей характеристике.

Accuracy +0.4 and +3.0

CP Recovery +0.1 and +0.8

Critical +4.9 and +32.7

Dodge +0.4 and +3.0

HP Recovery +0.1 and +0.8

M. Atk +2.5 and +28.2

Maximum CP +19.2 and +214.9

Maximum HP +12.7 and+155.9

Maximum MP +6.1 and +115.1

M. Def +4 and +30.8

MP Recovery +0.1 and 0.4

P. Atk +2.2 and +24.2

P. Def +5.1 and +38.2

Соответственно даны минимальное и максимальное значения.

Так же может быть добавлена как пассивная так и активная скилы.

Active: Absorbs HP.

Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.

Active: Attacks by throwing a boulder.

Active: Burns up the enemy's MP.

Active: Decreases all skill MP consumption rates temporarily.

Active: Decreases all skill re-use times temporarily.

Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack.

Active: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate temporarily.

Active: Decreases the magic re-use time temporarily.

Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.

Active: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate temporarily.

Active: Decreases the skill re-use time temporarily.

Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily.

Active: Decreases the song/dance skill re-use time temporarily.

Active: Decreases the target's urge to attack.

Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster.

Active: Ignites a firecracker.

Active: Ignites a large firecracker.

Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.

Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.

Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.

Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.

Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.

Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.

Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.

Active: Increases resistance to damage from falling temporarily.

Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.

Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.

Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.

Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.

Active: Increases the maximum CP temporarily.

Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily.

Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.

Active: Increases the maximum MP temporarily.

Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.

Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.

Active: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.

Active: Increases the target's urge to attack.

Active: Inflicts a dark attack.

Active: Inflicts a dark attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack.

Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts a flaming attack.

Active: Inflicts a flaming attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts a gusting attack.

Active: Inflicts a gusting attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack.

Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts a sacred attack.

Active: Inflicts a sacred attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts a water-type attack.

Active: Inflicts a water-type attack in the shape of a parabola.

Active: Inflicts damage by throwing a boulder.

Active: Instantly restores your HP.

Active: Launches a dark attack.

Active: Launches a sacred attack.

Active: Momentarily becomes invincible.

Active: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee.

Active: Opens doors and treasure chests with a certain probability. Requires Keys of a Thief.

Active: Play music for a short duration.

Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.

Active: Regenerates MP.

Active: Removes the target.

Active: Restores CP.

Active: Restores your own CP.

Active: Resurrects a corpse.

Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Active: Teleports to a village regardless of time. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.

Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.

Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.

Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.

Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.

Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.

Active: Temporarily holds the target. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

Active: Temporarily Increases the distance you can jump without sustaining damage.

Active: Temporarily Increases your head size.

Active: Temporarily Increases your lung capacity.

Active: Temporarily paralyzes a target.

Active: Temporarily petrifies the target.

Active: Temporarily poisons the target.

Active: Temporarily puts the target to sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.

Active: Temporarily resist damage from falls.

Active: Temporarily stuns the target.

Active: Unleashes a general attack and temporarily decreases your magic attack power during PvP.


Chance: Blocks all of the physical/magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Blocks the magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Decreases the Atk. Spd. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Decreases the PVP P. Atk. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Decreases the speed of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Decreases the urge to fight of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.

Chance: Has a chance to hold a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Has a chance to paralyze a target that damages you.

Chance: Has a chance to petrify a target that damages you.

Chance: Has a chance to poison a target that damages you.

Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you.

Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Has a chance to stun a target that damages you.

Chance: Increases accuracy with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases critical attack rate of magic attacks with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases critical attack rate with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases evasion with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases M. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases maximum CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases maximum HP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases maximum MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases M. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases P. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases PVP P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving HP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.

Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving MP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.

Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.

Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily frightens the target during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a physical attack.

Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.

Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a critical attack.

Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a magic attack.

Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a physical attack.

Chance: Regenerates CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Regenerates MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.

Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.

Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.

Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack.

Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a physical attack.

Chance: Temporarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.

Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a critical attack.

Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a physical attack.

Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a critical attack.

Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a physical attack.

Chance: Throw the target that inflicts damage on you into a state of fear and causes him to flee with a certain probability.


Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.

Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.

Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.

Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.

Passive: Increases accuracy.

Passive: Increases critical attack rate.

Passive: Increases evasion.

Passive: Increases lung capacity.

Passive: Increases Lung Capacity.

Passive: Increases M. Atk.

Passive: Increases M. Def.

Passive: Increases P. Atk.

Passive: Increases P. Def.

Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk.

Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.

Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks.

Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic.

Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage.

Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic.

Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.

Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times.

Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling.

перевод с помощью Гугл Хром

на ЛСы с 76 инфы нет

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решил посмотреть в гугл картинках какие люди ловят скиллы, ввёл augmentation в поиске картинок.... хорошо рядом никого не было...

кто же знал, что у америкосов и у линейщиков разные понятия о augmentation ;)

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потратил 10ккк и один активный рефрешь в топ пуху, помоему это слишком, использовал только хайд и топ лсы

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  • 4 месяца спустя...

хз как у всех я лично чтоб рефлект поймать потратил хай86 (150шт),хай85(200шт), хай70(130шт), и вконце концов с мида 84 с 100+ камня выловил  пасив рефлект :)
но задротство скажу зверское....... 5 часов камни тыкал :)

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  В 07.09.2012 в 14:22, Киевлянин сказал:

Мне с новыми шансами, на ЕЕ словить нюк, это пипец просто :(

да не гоните, я поймал акт рефлект и 5 нюков за 5-6 часов вставки, все норм

естественно не попивая чай каждые 20мин по 10мин


это утомляет, но вполне реально

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  В 07.09.2012 в 13:12, soultaker сказал:

"Лишнюю адену лишнюю адену", что вы разнылись, лишнюю адену.

Все по оффу.

поправочка - по еврооффу, где одни барыги и вывод адены огого. )

им, кстати, наш Гиран обзавидуется  :)

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ловил активный рефлект месяц +, причем выработался принцип по 200-300 лсов каждый день тыкать) но всетаки словил)


а то что статы ловятся на ура 70 топами, тут я согласен, с 10 топов - 4 татушки)

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  В 07.09.2012 в 11:51, губитель сказал:

как раз на днях ловил нюки, потратил 900 лс-ов поймал 3 шт. Утомительное занятие, особенно когда вылетает нюк типа аура флеер по площади или камень по площади

было такое, было такое. ))

  В 08.09.2012 в 08:04, snowbreeze сказал:

Без лсов хожу


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