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Весь контент tkuitheking

  1. never mind Admin ty for ur help iv'e figured out u can lock this thread Ty for help
  2. i didn't understand what u ment Admin... what do u mean account is similar?... 2nd of all u right i didn't write my char name sorry plz explain me what is the problem cause im assure u that i don't getting confused at login to Argos server cause i know what server i log believe me. Ty
  3. tkuitheking


    i logged to game few days ago for 2 min just to see what's going on since i didn't log for a long time. Then i log again today and i find out that my char dissapeared!!!!! it's gone i can't see it on display screen when i enter to Argos server !!!!! I didnt use any bannable things and didnt do anything that requires a ban !!! plz GM help me, plz tell me why is that i didn't do anything wrong....
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