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Весь контент Garlic

  1. Garlic

    CH price

    And help donators to have easier game ?
  2. Garlic

    CH price

    Is this a bug or CH price is really 1kkk bid and 500kk adena / week after ? Oo
  3. Garlic

    FAQ on new x5

    Ok !! I was thinking it was for drop rate too, ok then !
  4. Garlic

    FAQ on new x5

    Premium account is X2 XP rate ? Or drop rate too ?
  5. Garlic

    FAQ on new x5

    By the way, about premium account, why is this written on the website then : минимум доната; вещи, влияющие на игровой баланс - не продаются; ?
  6. Garlic

    FAQ on new x5

    Thanks a lot for translation ! Even if it's hard to find the topic cause there is no english section of forum yet
  7. English version of forum is just one language packet to put in administration pannel.
  8. We will come on server with around 50 international players, can admin create an english section in forum for the new x5 server for us ? By the way, can you add support language for english on the forum too ? ^^ (I'm posting with google translate )
  9. yep internationale serait mieux comme RPG, mais nous avons entendu qu'un nouveau serveur est Vernissage le samedi prochain et c'est l'une est vraiment bon pour les fichiers etc ... By the way, i found how to put game client in english.
  10. Hello, I'm part of a big clan from the international server Arion and we planned to move on your new server next saturday. However, we didn't find any info, community etc... in english, even the game client seems to be in russian and we are afraid to find that NPC text and client are only avaible in russian.Is there any plan to help people coming from international servers to join your server by making an english version of it ? Or is it only russian players restricted ? Thanks by advance
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