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X5 is Asterios no X55 my farmers means that im SWS but i farm fire stones and enchants with WL and WC which are not pvp chars, my sws i quite strong and can kill this guy who is crafter but when i log in the sws he runs and comes back when im not online. so this is prety much ugly and i think there should be a rule agains it like against scam
Can anyone tell me in which part of the forum can i report about a player who is reketeering me? he ask me to give him 4kkk to stop killing my farmers, i have screens ofc
i did some more experiments like 50-70 trys on that skill, the Dual Blow does NO damage when is just succesful (i mean when avoided ofc it does no damage but even when its not avoided damage is 0), when critical does same damage like normal critical hit amd when half kill took only CP not HP
OK Sauron I CAN'T provide evidence I play only on this server not on offi. But skill that have 11234 p.atk and have chance to do lethal critical halfkill and overhit does almost no damage on PVP but do damage against mobs so it have bug and any of admins can see this.
Skill Dual Blow on PW doesnt work ive try it more than 100 times on MTD and over 50 times in PVP it doesnt work please fix it. (friends from clan told me that this skill in TH also doesnt work, its working only on dwarf spoilers but this info i haven checked on myself)
I'm playng in Asterios x5 and this year we havent seen Mammons can somebody explan to me whats happening??? During the event period when Mammons should appear in catas and necros its imposible to enter in any catacomb or necropolis. I presume this is some kind of bug but i think its time admins to fix it because its a big problem for the server iconomics.
yes i'm from Hellknights, we are 10-20 now most of the people went to Medea x3 server
Gratz on the birthday and thank you for your good work
Hi all, does anyone know how to unseal MW vesper shild or we still don't have this option on server?
so vesper rec and parts are not from quest but spoil in seed of anihilation?
Hi all, I havent play the game for a couple of months and I see many new things. Can anyone tell me from which quest can I get vesper heavy recpts and parts? And what the hell is the diference between Vesper Breastplate and Vesper Cuirass (I can see they are diferent heavy sets but I can't explain myself why on http://asterios.tm/index.php?cmd=bd#items.sets.s84 is written that Vesper Cuirass needs vorpal boots. gloves and helm) and is the Vesper Cuirass set posible to create on Asterios? 10x in addvance.
люди что с вам? никто не продавал клан хал? скажите где проблем
ап, помогите пожалуста
Я попробул с 1 адена, с 62кк адена , с 999кк и с 1 и 3кк, аукцион не принимает никакая цена.
well. thats the problem auction doesnt start no matter what price i put
Извините за плохой руски Я хочу продат клан хал на сервер х3 астериос в аукционе, но кокда надо написат скоко денги аукцион дает мне "invalid bid" всегда, все равно если дам 1 адена, 10кк или 1ккк, помогите пожалуста. (как видно на скрини ест денги в clan warehouse просто не знаю почему аукцион не принимат суму )
Аниматор, ти ничто не потерял, но моего клана потерял 4 чара уровен 82+, они украли все. Тебе моно нравитса как ктото хак на сервер сделал украл шмот и зафтра будет с фул дино шмот и епики, мене нет. Я тут 2 года играю а они пришли украли людей и думают что они самие хорошие игроки.
блин я из болгарии кто хотите плохо говорю и сечас увидел как блинские нуби из клан хиро ,украли шмота и уровена моего чара.
Админи могу дам вас ммного скриншоти как клан Hero, украли % с MaxSwift (на шмота не могу), а макса бил в Helknights он из болгарии, токо если они хак сделали могут имеет его паса. Он се4ас на другой сервер играет и пасс никому не дал. а етот клан и буг на Штугард осада делал от задний виход они в замка успели вводить. смотрите на скрини
да да, нашел, спасибо слишком неверна информация в етот с стол но нашел я что било нужно мне.