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Информация о LightsOut

  • День рождения 16.05.1987
  1. Я знаю что я говорит я не нубь. Я нада новь порт от админ.
  2. Я обновил клиентом! У меня есть firewall. Я знам что гм сменил порта но незнаю кто новъй порт.
  3. ГМ а ть сменил ПОРТ на сервера ? Я не могу войту в игру.
  4. I'm not so sure.. I can try but it takes 24 hours to update firewall settings, so I hope for an answer from somebody who is 100% sure what needs to be added. Thanks
  5. LightsOut

    Firewall problems

    Hello, I have recently moved to anther city, and here my internet provider uses a firewall to block any unwanted connections to its network. Here's the message I get when i try to load the game(while autoupdater is trying to connect to server to check files): Can't download: "Fast Update Data" Socket Error #10061 Connection refused. I have figured out its probably the firewall used by my internet provider. I can although add "Internet Holes" for my connection which means (I can add PORTS used by a game or something else). What I would like to know is ... what ports is Asterios using, so that I can add them to my connection as an "Internet Hole". Thank you.
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