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    x1 Prime

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  1. Thanks I imagined it was because of the merge, but I didnt see it in the news section or any other place so i asked.
  2. Salemn

    Olympiad Period.

    Someone can explain how do the olympiad period works in this server ? I cannot register to complete the rewards and as far as I know, it should be from 18 to 00 Moscow time right ? Or is there some modifications at how the olympiads works in this servers ?
  3. А как насчет предметов, оставшихся на складе клана?
  4. I have the same issue and is a problem with your windows scale or your resolution interfering with the client, when you change any of that options sometimes the underlines got back to where it should be but later on they can mess up again.
  5. Already give up on this, just 5 days straight and 0 reward, not gonna bother voting anymore.
  6. Salemn

    Vote rewards ?

    Does vote on MMOtop give you any silver coins ? already voted 3 days in a row and didn't receive a single coin.
  7. Salemn

    Vote Reward not given

    Hello, Is there a problem with the reward for voting the server? Because I couldn't log in for like a week but I manage to vote everyday and there is 0 silver shillen in my char.
  8. Salemn

    General Craft Limit ?

    Hello guys I noticed my dwarf only has 20 slots limit when selling crafts, Is this custom to this server (Prime x1) ? Is there a way to increase the max limit when selling crafts ?
  9. Salemn


    That's not lag, that is FPS drops because shitty unreal engine 2 is not optimized for modern systems and can't use all the available hardware of your PC.
  10. Salemn


    Me too im getting dced all the time, ping seems normal but suddenly game dc.
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