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Весь контент Stubborn

  1. Hi, CP lf Titan / Cat / Bers (or other DD) / JUDI / BD for partying / instances in the evening. We are currently 6 active players. We are speaking LT/EN. Pm "Stubborn and we will discuss
  2. Stubborn

    Elegia H crit rate

    Hi, i have noticed in Asterios website that Elegia heavy set gives 12,74 crit rate, but in game on armor it says 127. Which is the real bonus elegia set gives? In website it writes Elegia Breastplate {PvP} STR +3; CON -2; When equipped: P. Atk. + 6.59%, Critical rate +12.74 RU: На сайте Asterios я заметил, что тяжелый набор Elegia дает 12,74 критического коэффициента, но в игре на броню он говорит 127. Какой реальный бонус дает набор Elegia? Sposiba.
  3. zdrastvite, RU: ckolka max crit dmg na server? Ja destr i ja crit 50 000 na freya. Eto max dmg na server? Ja ciut ciut po ruski. EN: Is there cap of max crit dmg you can do in server? I went freya and i crit exactly 50 000 a lot, so it seems like it is capped on 50 000? Am i right? Sposiba / Thanks
  4. Hi, We are looking for CP to play together and party with other EN talking people. We are currently DD 300 / SK SoS / EE. All geared up. PM me here or mail me ingame "Stubborn. Thanks.
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