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Клан Saints


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1/2 пересды - не сразу поняла что это значит))) Первого и второго июля пересдачи?

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1/2 пересды - не сразу поняла что это значит))) Первого и второго июля пересдачи?

я сильно подозреваю, что это количество пересдаваемых предметов :o

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у меня кстати тож 1 пресдача осталась и все... сессии конец)) и я пятый курс)))  :o

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UP ;)

Предлагаю вашму вниманию текст песенки Everlast - Angel,которую я постоянно напеваю уже нсколько дней)

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s real

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s strong

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s oh so true

I got a pedestal to put her on

I found me a girl, she`s sweet as good be

And everything in her world revolved all around me

I had a chance to make her mine but I was too blind to see

And now I got to let her go and pray she comes back to me

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I hater her cause I love her so I hurt her again

Don`t want no other lover, won`t go through it again

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s young

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s pretty

I`m gon` find me a woman that swears I`m the one

And I`m a try not to treat her shitty

Girl I been drinkin` ever since you`ve been gone

And I been thinkin` maybe that I was wrong

You been holdin` out for way too long

I get this feeling you don`t wanna belong

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I hater her cause I love her so I hurt her again

Don`t want no other lover, won`t go through it again

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s tough

I`m gon` find me a woman that`s loyal

I`m gon` find me a woman that say she got enough

And that`s one I`m gonna spoilt

Well I`ve been waitin` such a very long time

My heart`s gon` break girl if I don`t make you mine

What`s past is past, what`s done I cannot rewind

All said and done girl, so you`re one of a kind

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I hater her cause I love her so I hurt her again

Don`t want no other lover, won`t go through it again

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

I hater her cause I love her so I hurt her again

Don`t want no other lover, won`t go through it again

She`s my angel, she`s my lover, she`s my very best friend

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Мой первый ролик с УГ качеством с прошлой осады Адена) Прошу посмотреть и набраться духом,у нубоваров нет шансов,ахаха :D

З.Ы. Зебесту и Канабису респект 8) Самые приятные таргеты на ганках,чистая правда :)

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ТендерДевил - жесть,тот момент на последнем раше незабываем:D

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