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Undocumented options


Рекомендуемые сообщения

Game Chat commands:
.repair - restores damaged character (in case client crashes/freezes upon log in), usable by other character on same account (reccomended to combine with full client check).Command is CaPs sensitive.
.lock - links your acc to IP, sub-network or domain name. Prolongs till time displayed upon every log in. Upon First use recommended to set it up for 1 - 3 days for test. Details on secon post.
.hwid - links your acc to current Hardware. Login will be possible only from your or analogue PC. First set up for 1 - 3 days recommended.
IMPORTANT: Command .hwid does not guarntees hacker won't be able to access account, as it only checks few components of PC. Read security reccomendations to decrease chances of hack.
.password - change of password for acc. Current command does not works on x55 Hunter
.cfg - varius options(GUI variation, all options has console command)
.cfg dli [on/off] - pictures in drop list with shift-click.
.cfg noe [on/off] - block level up (Experience gain stops at 99.99%)
.cfg trace [on/off] - debug command for route search, displays all intermidiate points.
.cfg notraders [on/off] - toggles display of traders for weak computers.
.cfg notShowBuffAnim [1/2/3/of] - turns off part of animations for slow computers.
Does not displays animation of SoulShots after hit(charges). Does not displays final animation part of positive (heals/buffs) skills on target.
Does not displays discharge of Shots on hit, hits look same like in C3.
Each following option includes previous one.
Discussion and details in Thread Disabling skill animation.
.cfg translit [on/off/la] - enables back transliteration mechanism.
.cfg autoloot [true/false] - enabling/disabling auto-looting (If aviable by server settings)
.cfg autolooth [true/false] - enabling/disabling auto-looting of herbs (If aviable by server settings)
.cfg nc[30-300] - time of character delay in "NO CARRIER" in seconds. Does not triggers when client is closed (out of combat).
.lang [ru/eng] - Changes dialogue language.
.offline - Exits game and leaves character in game, aviable only in Store mode. Requires character lvl 20 and above.
Standart time of effect 48 hours, after which character goes offline.
Standart cost - 1 silver Shillen
Upon pre-mature interruption possible repetetive free usage of remaining time (if remaining time is 12 hours or less - tries to prolong time for 1 SS, if there is no silver and remaining time 1 hour or more, character stays for remaining time)
.offlineleft - Displays remaining time of offtrade on all characters of account
.offline force - Forces to prolong remaining time for 1 silver shillen
.status - displays current version of server
.whoami or .whoiam - information about character (meant for debugging, not recomended to refer seriously )
.whoapet - Smae as previous only for pet.
.target - displays list of closest NPCs with auto target option.
.exp - exact amount of exp required till next level
.help - command help
.pflag - direction till current player will be displayed to all party members
.cflag - same as previous for clan
.clan - setup for full acces to clan warehouse for specified clan members, displays already character with privileges
.jump - jump (human fighter only)
.engage and .divorce - Wedding and divorce
.gettask and .declinetask - recieval of random task and refusal of it
.test - detailed display of debuff chance. Write command first afterwards use debuff.
.ip - will help to diagnose network problems (Displays what address is client connected to)


To be continued...


Late night I bet mistakes were made

Translation by Rafiki

Original: http://forum.asterios.tm/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=2345

Please post for any corrections or improvement.

Thank you!



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