Ревизия 26502М
В дропе моба Tanta Lizardman Soldier прописан Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's will, вместо
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will
Вот цитата из патчноутов High Five 1-4(пост №3):
Changes to Forgotten Scrolls
You can now acquire Forgotten Scrolls while hunting in the following locations:
Protection of Rune: Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve and Fields of Silence/Whispers
Protection of Elemental: Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve, Fields of Silence/Whispers
Protection of Alignment: Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Fields of Silence/Whispers
Fighter's Will: Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Wild Beast Reserve
Archer's Will: Plains of the Lizardmen
Magician's Will: Fields of Silence/Whispers
Deflect Magic, Anti-Magic Armor, Sixth Sense, Expose Weak Point, Hide, Dual Dagger Mastery, Silent Mind, Seven Arrow, Final Secret, Enlightenment - Wizard/Healer, Servitor Barrier, Excessive Loyalty, Mutual Response, Meteor, Starfall, Turn Stone: Monestary of Silence
Из нее видно что эта книга должна падать в локации Plains of the Lizardmen, у нас же вместо нее почемуто падает книга Fighter's will. Просьба заменить дроп, т.к. на данный момент достать Арчер вилл возможно лишь при убийстве рейдов.