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Весь контент zlosliwebydle

  1. zlosliwebydle

    Attribute above 150

    Hello! Attribute above 150+, specially dark, where to get stones for it? I mean,what is the fastest/cheapest way.
  2. 350ping? I know that this is not FPS, but it is playable?
  3. Friend of mine tested on me backstab and he hit me for 3.3 - 3.5k w/ ATTR. and 2.6-2.8k w/DUEL, so yes, it is better for atribute. I wonder does it work the same for all skills.
  4. Like in subject. I would like to enchant skills, but I don't know what to enchant for: - duel - attribute (dark) I like pvp so I think about duel, but everyone whom I ask - enchanted for attribute.
  5. Thank you very much, it seems that i missed that damn RB again. I fell on keyboard 15mins before it shown up. If it is true, it shown up 15:15 MCK.
  6. Today was at 7 am GMT+1 (9:13 MCK) so tomorow will be from 1AM GMT+1 - 1PM GMT+1, yes?
  7. zlosliwebydle

    Cabrio Respawn time?

    What is exact Cabrio respawn time? I hear many version, maybe administration can put some light on it? Please.
  8. Order of the White Wolf is international also.
  9. Sometimes they aggro on you and suddenly after few hits mobs turn back and go after some guys which are REALLY FAR AWAY... Maybe geodata problem?
  10. There is lag like on other server, rather something like slower-mode. Yesterday when was early night and 4k online it was UBER smooth.
  11. I saw that Admin or GM was yesterday writing that they try to solve DC (disconnect) issue, but can't promise anything. I had DCs yesterday like every 2mins O.o
  12. Did u enchant skill ? I don't how it work here, but on other server I've been playing skill +0 was working like u say, sometimes even 1 on 10, while skill +1 worked 7/10.
  13. I heard that on some of the servers here not all CH are taken just becouse of that. It has it good and bad sides. Bad becouse we can't have buffs fast and good ressurection. Bad becouse small clans will not have cash for bid and even bigger ones will have to take nice amount of cash (in the beginning) from their members. Good sides? Well... no shadow clans with a lot of cash will hold CHs for months, while others, active ones, will not have a chance to buy CH. As it was said it will keep adena from market also.
  14. I know that many ppl play with that update, I am aware of that. All my clan mates play with that too. But unfortunately I have problems with it. At first I thought that it is fault of my custom drivers for ATi, that are designed for maximum performance. But after change to WHQL it didn't change it. Ok, thank you for answer @Uwanndie, it will give it a try maybe.
  15. Quick question: Can I use full Frey client ? Why do I ask? Becouse if I update game to Freya interface (that 500MB pack) games crashes for me every 10-15mins and after that come problem with login which is going down randomly. I know that some day I will have to download that Client anyways, but still... I can use it now or not?
  16. You have started. You could normally participate in discussion but you didn't want to. Better to play smartass than to speak normally like civilised ppl? Correct? (BTW: You got some serious issues you know?) I think that is your argument. I am asking for 1 .dat file that DOESN'T change game mechanic, no .ini, no .dll. You are talking about 3rd party software, sniffers of all kind l2n, l2c, l2w whatever. I am talking about makeing game more visible. And from ppl say clickers work here and if you have Nostromo or G13 you can do macros perfectly fine and still watching toon lvling. Did you saw my link ? Did you try to play with something like that ? Or you are argueing about thing you didn't check.
  17. @Lyres - I don't know who you are, but I am not a kid. I am more than double that 13. Judging by your "kid" argument you are kid, or at least you didn't grow up enough and can't participate in normal D I S C U S S I O N. Maybe visti flame section or something. @DarknessofHope - thank you, but I have already figured that out. @Nathan - Changeing systemsmg is not fair play? Hmm, interesting idea. I must say you "killed" me with that argument. Maybe you don't know what I am trying to achieve, well... here goes screenshots what can be done with systemmsg. http://img830.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=shot00008p.jpg I know already that it is impossible to show on screen damage you have done and damange u got since Gracia Final, screenshots are from HB client. But I know that I can put rest of infos about buffs going up and down, about spoil activation and so on. Can you please rethink idea adding THAT ONE file to exclusion list.
  18. zlosliwebydle

    Changeing systemmsg

    Hello! I made such thread in support part but I don't know... my english is too scary, support GMs don't care / don't know english / don't have time becouse fighting with lag and DDoS. Anyways it is not important... Someone wrote there that it is not forbidden as long it doesn't give me "advantage". Well... how to do it? How tell updater to pass that file ? In serwer starting with "R" you can add files to exclusion list, but how to do it here? Why i want to change it? Becouse now it contains a lot of not needed infos for me like: cannot see target or preparing arrows. Thank you in advance.
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