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Весь контент Yarkan

  1. Yarkan


    still doesnt work. Maybe I understand something wrong, because everything is written in Russian. I have baby kookabura 26lvl and I want to change it for 5 Gold improved kookabura. Its possible?
  2. Yarkan


    Can someone translate? I cant get kookabura from donate :/
  3. Yarkan

    FAQ on new x5

    mhm ok Quest for a first class is required?
  4. Yarkan

    FAQ on new x5

    what is a wmz? how much it will cost me in $?
  5. Yarkan

    FAQ on new x5

    how much does it cost per month? And how can I buy it? Paypal? 1 main + 2 boxes or 1 main + 1 box? Can i change forum language?
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