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Весь контент orja

  1. can someone make a short summary whats discussed here? I translated all comments into english or german and they dont do much sense all the time, what sounds as a positive feedback could be also negative if you translate it again Also the answer from admin, what did he said really? I understood this like "I cant promise, but its also not a 100% no to euro-server. sooner or later we have to open a new server though" So something like maybe yes but I cant promise, wrong understanding or am I right? @the one who said something about western legislation: your L2 version has nothing to do with europe or north american NCSoft version, as far as I know it is from Innova (rus publisher?). So the only company who could make problems is your own publisher from l2ru official, and the euro server would not be the main reason if they would ever do something against asterios. PS: I talk about mid-rate server, something like x3-x5. we europeans have enough high rate servers!
  2. to first: yes I think that would be a big investment for admins, I cant say something to this, but I guess those new players would donate like every others to second: well what do you mean by this? If its marked as "international" people who join this server know that the main language is not russian. to third: I connect from UK, and I have a stable and good ping, 70ms. and the traceroute from UK to russia is huge to fourth: trolls are everywhere, pk and trolls are good to go Such server wouldnt influence the game experience what russians currently have on their server. They stay on theire current, and the new one would be for Europe and also russians if they want. I hope you understand what I mean. Yes only admins can answer this, thats why I started the thread too. But I guess I wont get an answer, because if they have plans for this, they would not tell me
  3. I mean by international server something like this: -main shout language should be english -of course everyone can speak their language in partys, clans, tells and whatever -shops in english right now when I'm in town at hardin, I cant find a single item for example because the main language of players is russian. So international means all kinds of languages, but one main language to communicate with each other. And yes I changed the client language to english, but that doesnt fix shops etc
  4. yeah like any other translation from google. but I dont know any other way or programm to translate it, hope they can understand my intention^^
  5. Я могу перевести его из России на английский =)
  6. Hi, first off I am really impressed about your servers. I am from UK and I saw your website and the number how much people play on your network. I started there and took a look how much shops are sitting in towns and I was just like "wooow!!". You have 3 times more players then on our official Europe and North American server, that deserves respect! Unfortunatly I think I can not play on your server because everyone is from russia. So my question is, do you plan in future to create an international server on asterios.tm? I really really think you would have many many customers from all over europe because there is not a good Epilogue private server for people who cant speak russian. I know there is r.p.gclub but there is too much Donation involved and I think your servers do not offer so much donated items. So I think you would have thousands of people to play on your server, because everyone from rest of europe is screaming for a good good Epilogue server. I hope you have time to answer my short question, also I send this text translated in russian maybe you dont understand english, but be carefull it is translated with google =) Greetings and keep up the good work. Russian version: (maybe this version is better) Здравствуйте, Прежде всего, я очень впечатлен о вашем сервере. Я из Тринидада и я видел цифры на сайт, как много игр там. Я 5 минут, чтобы поиграть, а я смотрел на Хардин, заседание, сколько магазинов в городах. И это было просто удивительно! Вы серверы 3 раза больше игроков на серверах, чем на offiiziellen Европы и Северной Америки, которая действительно заслуживает уважительного! К сожалению, она не запускается на русский язык не имеет смысла для меня Asterios. Так что мой вопрос, будет ли в будущем, международное asterios.tm сервер, на котором основным языком которых является английский язык? Я действительно думаю, что многие игроки из разных стран Европы, чтобы начать на этом новом сервере будет. Потому что просто нет хороших частных серверов (не русский) с последней версией. Я знаю о RPG клуб, на международном, но есть слишком много вопросов я продал. Я думаю, вы бы привлечь тысячи игроков на сервер и построить хорошее сообщество. Я надеюсь, вы понимаете смысл моего вклада и я надеюсь, у вас есть время, чтобы ответить на мой вопрос. Текст переводится с Google, поэтому он будет иметь довольно много ошибок Привет
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