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Весь контент ZomvrA

  1. I want to join if possible!!! TakeMyBlast, BuffMeNow and Dende
  2. ZomvrA

    EuroFriendly Guild!

    Hi everyone, finally I decided to create this post because I’m in love with this server and with its popuplation, mostly Ru and Ukr but even being diff for them and for me to communicate you always find someone who tries to help you. A part from that, I’m looking for a CentralEurope guild or a Spanish Guild, english guild , i don’t care, but people who can talk to me en english and don’t make me think i’m bothering them. if someone know something about this kind of euro players playing asterios X5, please let me know here or even in game! “Bandurrio is my character and “BlastingSoul. thanks for your help!!!
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