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Весь контент StefanDK

  1. this is not the ordered i placed btw.this is just an example from today.
  2. StefanDK

    help with a doge payment

    How can i get help with a doge payment?
  3. meh...i cant pay with EU card still...so..
  4. StefanDK

    anyone starting tomorrow?

    anyone starting tomorrow? bonuses look good.
  5. Ss there a main ticket/topic about this since i see no update on this ticket from the admins? Any estimation on when this will be fixed/mitigated? Regards
  6. its weird but it seems its always certain ppl that drop...the high lvls/streamers never dc.
  7. StefanDK


    Greetings I'm getting disconnected all the time from the game, sometimes at login, sometimes after 5-10 after i successfully logged. Anyone experiencing this issues? I checked with my ISP and all its fine, restarted the router few times,etc It happened yesterday also but it was less sporadic and i blamed it on the sieges. Regards
  8. any other place that cata for lvleing at 40? with pp boxed?
  9. StefanDK

    problems with payments.

    It seems that for at least 1 week the interkassa payments are not working. i tried multiple cards and the behaviour is the same...an never-ending loop page at the end of the payment process and no gold in the account. I try payment with non russian cards, as i did before several times. Any ideas?
  10. what about something more close to 1x: - is it worth raising a wolf for solo farm with dagger? - whats the best support for dual box for it. - Is PW better on 1x than TH? in regards to lack of full buff stack in solo circumstances. - advice on place to solo <76.
  11. is there adventurer guide for asterios? i found one for PW on the forum with the help of google translate..
  12. well...kind of the same for daggers i guess...apart from the shoulshots part. if you want the FP set that will be costly also, though in my opinion its not really needed, top C heavy will be enough. @popaluminita21 ping me on discord DragonSlayer#7728 . I'm running dagger though.
  13. StefanDK


    Hello there, Anyone has an idea if for instance an (archer+buffpet)+ (bd or sws) can level sustainable as in at lvl 45 to afford buying an C grade bow and maybe armor? With so few english speaking people for the moment i dont see myself joining an archer cp. (asking for a friend.) Regards
  14. best support would be BD? or SWS?
  15. can it not farm at a fair rate with an BD or SWS next to it @DemonInside
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