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    x7 Phoenix
  1. Have I ever mentioned twinks ? I went to these locations in full party with life support - till yesterday was enough to play there. I dont have time for CP or Clan parties , i`ve been playing this game since C2 so dont tell me what and how should i play i remember Soulshots being activated by hand. I play with random players with low or high game skills. In Asterios commercial there is a big CP and SOLO PLAYERS , now its only CP /Clan party . Casual players have nothing to find here simple as.
  2. Dear Devs ,Just trying to understand what made you to change game mechanics when hitting mobs AOE ? Do you really think that this game is too easy ? Im a farmer , full epic Warlord . I love farm , just to make money and exp other ppl . I went to Tully`s last night ( haven`t read the announcements) Full buffed with SK Icon , and started my pulls, first pull 4 rooms - bang dead , next pull 3 rooms - bang dead . Ive noticed that mobs surrounded me instead of hitting me in front . So i decided i will do small pull - 2 rooms , bearly survived . Some russian friend told me that Devs have made changes to mechanics.I Said ok , lets try SOA , went there , same first pull - dead .... . You literally killed WL - it is suppose to be AOE DD now its few mobs DD . Been this morning in Giants Cave with 3 Titans in party , first pull all dead :D I lost my will to play , its not about moaning that its harder but its bearly impossible . Mobs are harder AOE doesn`t work . What is the point of not having fun of game .
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