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Весь контент lisicho

  1. lisicho


    From what i see you can get it by donate/vote and being a referal to someone here. Can anyone explain more about that? I saw you get after 2nd or 3rd class if you register with someone's link.
  2. im from bulgaria, i understand russians well, just not used to play in a cp/clan with them, also none of them uses discord which is a -
  3. So title pretty much, are there any english speaking people going to play here and form a clan or start as a mini cp and look for players, anything like that?
  4. lisicho

    LF cp

    same here, im pretty sure there will be some english speaking people
  5. lisicho


    Why is it x2? Anyone able to explain in english? Why admins think it's ok to make premium x2 to exp? Looking at x7 and x14 is like 2 different servers. People without PA won't be anywhere near those with. Why is it ok for everyone and this server is so popular? P.S: If you want to reply in russian, due to lack of english skills, please ctrl+c and ctrl+v in google translate. It's still understandable
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