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Game Chat commands: .repair - restores damaged character (in case client crashes/freezes upon log in), usable by other character on same account (reccomended to combine with full client check).Command is CaPs sensitive. .lock - links your acc to IP, sub-network or domain name. Prolongs till time displayed upon every log in. Upon First use recommended to set it up for 1 - 3 days for test. Details on secon post. .hwid - links your acc to current Hardware. Login will be possible only from your or analogue PC. First set up for 1 - 3 days recommended. IMPORTANT: Command .hwid does not guarntees hacker won't be able to access account, as it only checks few components of PC. Read security reccomendations to decrease chances of hack. .password - change of password for acc. Current command does not works on x55 Hunter .cfg - varius options(GUI variation, all options has console command) .cfg dli [on/off] - pictures in drop list with shift-click. .cfg noe [on/off] - block level up (Experience gain stops at 99.99%) .cfg trace [on/off] - debug command for route search, displays all intermidiate points. .cfg notraders [on/off] - toggles display of traders for weak computers. .cfg notShowBuffAnim [1/2/3/of] - turns off part of animations for slow computers. Does not displays animation of SoulShots after hit(charges). Does not displays final animation part of positive (heals/buffs) skills on target. Does not displays discharge of Shots on hit, hits look same like in C3. Each following option includes previous one. Discussion and details in Thread Disabling skill animation. .cfg translit [on/off/la] - enables back transliteration mechanism. .cfg autoloot [true/false] - enabling/disabling auto-looting (If aviable by server settings) .cfg autolooth [true/false] - enabling/disabling auto-looting of herbs (If aviable by server settings) .cfg nc[30-300] - time of character delay in "NO CARRIER" in seconds. Does not triggers when client is closed (out of combat). .lang [ru/eng] - Changes dialogue language. .offline - Exits game and leaves character in game, aviable only in Store mode. Requires character lvl 20 and above. Standart time of effect 48 hours, after which character goes offline. Standart cost - 1 silver Shillen Upon pre-mature interruption possible repetetive free usage of remaining time (if remaining time is 12 hours or less - tries to prolong time for 1 SS, if there is no silver and remaining time 1 hour or more, character stays for remaining time) .offlineleft - Displays remaining time of offtrade on all characters of account .offline force - Forces to prolong remaining time for 1 silver shillen .status - displays current version of server .whoami or .whoiam - information about character (meant for debugging, not recomended to refer seriously ) .whoapet - Smae as previous only for pet. .target - displays list of closest NPCs with auto target option. .exp - exact amount of exp required till next level .help - command help .pflag - direction till current player will be displayed to all party members .cflag - same as previous for clan .clan - setup for full acces to clan warehouse for specified clan members, displays already character with privileges .jump - jump (human fighter only) .engage and .divorce - Wedding and divorce .gettask and .declinetask - recieval of random task and refusal of it .test - detailed display of debuff chance. Write command first afterwards use debuff. .ip - will help to diagnose network problems (Displays what address is client connected to) To be continued... Late night I bet mistakes were made Translation by Rafiki Original: http://forum.asterios.tm/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=2345 Please post for any corrections or improvement. Thank you!
Little bit about numbers: Masterwork/double craft chance based on crafters level Percentage of tax for private shops Enchantment chance All servers has these values, including test server. You may check it by enchanting from 3 to 4 hundred cheap D shirts for example.
Correction made Thank you, That's nice to hear, I'll keep posting translations when will feel like it (mostly when I'll get bored at work), I hope it will help.
Featurea which may Be considered as Bugs. Because of reasons these differences will not be changed.End of discussion. *While crafting (Except private manufacture) recipes from book are being used, not from inventory. *Sub-class change during 3rd class quests are unaviable. *During Raid quests not necessary to last hit,it's enough with participation (Except Don't know,don't Care and Legendary Tales in which party with most dmg inflicted is awarded) *Armour can be rare and provide with additional set bonus *Unable to recharge pets using recharge (Improved baby kokaburra, improved baby buffalo etc.) *It's possible to change beneficial cast skill target with Aggression on yourself (Tank can force enemy healer to heal him) *Counter Critical replaces chant of protection These are not bugs at all: *If exp gain stops on 99%, exp block is on, you can turn it off using .cfg menu *Private stores (Sell/Purchase/Manufacture) are affected by trade tax *Lightning shock and other skills with paralyse effect can not be affected twice *Infinity Spear Base chance of cancel is 80%. Administration does not thinks it is wise to make it 100%. *Clan Hall price *Changing sub-class and main class does not reset cooldown timers *Skill burned down on enchanting reflects as Enchanted on hot bar for a while (till relog or restart) *After Fort capture clan can not register for any other fort siege *For succesfull character deletion should do it 5 minutes after logging him off (or disable exit delay in .cfg) *"Monsters-Champions" are immune to skills with effects of paralyse,fear, lethal etc. *Hat Vizor (and maybe other similar) are not displayed on female characters as it should be equipped by male characters. *Impossible to wake up your summon, except with special scrools, aka Official Bug *If monster has 50k HP, Lethal(TU(and analogs for tanks) or arbas roulette) will not work *Small and large CP potions share Cool-down. *During siege Knight's Epaulette drops for attacker only *In "Trade" Giran Harbour Title,Clan tag and Clan name display on Characters is disabled. *Command "/target" on characters containing russian symbols work only with consideration of rEgIsTeR *For deletion of character it's neccesary to log in after period of 7 days.Final deletion is made while logging into server. Not actual since 26760 *Song of Elemental and Dance of Alignment highly empowers defencive abilities if combined with analogical defencive songs/dances *MAYBE, for instance Zaken Command Channel required. *If player whom you are messaging has blocked you, message of him being offline will pop up. *Changes of Prophet class *Counter critical does not stack with Chant of Protection *Sub-classes can level till 85 *Abscence of character with desired name does not always mean it's aviable. *Turtle Ascetic Summon Bracelet buffs only Owner *During trade between 2 characters it is possible to overload inventory by mass and space *Premium pets drain 15% of exp (incoming I guess) *Skill Gate chant may activate without party *Dances and Songs may be rebuffed without penalty 30 sec before effect end. *Removed limitations for dynasty armour ....? I'm quite new to lineage so I am unable to translate this one *While offtrade crafting it's possible to leave a pet summoned (upon log in with character or server restart pet is withdrawn) *If character has no transsfer skills then request to delete them deletes all pomanders and returns base number of them. *Unified newbies guide quest(mentioned above) *During sieges Pets can be ressurected, limitations affect only players *Reduced value of required players in command channel for some instances, for optional farm groups.Final Emperial Tomb - 18 instead of 36, Seed of Destruction - 18 instead of 27, Ice queen's Castle - 9 instead of 10. *Wind Strike level 1 can not be cast on non-flagged characters *Flags do not work in Siege zones *Maximal size of clans reduced to 110 people: Main - 30 academy - 30 Royal - 20 Knight - 10 If limit has been exceeded spare characters are not erased, but new character recruitment is not possible. Translated by Rafiki Original source: http://forum.asterios.tm/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=1918
Main Differences and specifics of Servers: Class: -Sub-classes can be leveled till 85 -Prophet possesses Special skill, which enables party buff with cos of additional mana. Also has Vampiric Rage, Improved Critical attack and Improved Shield defence. Locations: -Modified locations(made high level) locations have other channels in which old versions of locations are aviable, in order to get there one must use special gatekeeper, return is aviable trough Scroll of Escape. In these location quests remove by high level modification may work, besides specific location there may be nothing else, Do not try to Travel to other location while in other channel. Skills: -Sacrifice can not be used for self heal. -Counter Critical replaces Chant of Protection -Lightning Shock and other skills with paralyse effect can not be inflicted twice -"Monsters-Champions" immune to skills with paralyse, Fear and lethal effects -Some Dances and Songs provides additional bonus when used together. -Prophecy of Fire provides with 20%MP regen instead of HP -While in instance Party Return affects whole party regarding the distance. -With command ".cfg" is possible to block Party Recall (System will ask for confirmation same as with summoning). Instances: -On certain ammount of Vitality depletion in non-instanced zones (Rift and chamber of delusion are instance) player receives Magic Gem (Quest item, untradeable) -Upon entrance of Kamaloka, Labyrinth of the Abyss 81/83 1 magic Gem is required -Upon entrance of Cavern of the Pirate Captain (daydream) 78+ 3 Magic Gems required. -Upon entrance of Ice Queen's Castle 4 Magic gems required -Dimensional Rift / Delusion Chamber: Possible to increase difficulity level (and reward), by talking with room manager. -Kamaloka,Labyrinth of the Abyss: Increased bonus for Destroying guards, Boss is empowered if guards are skipped, skipping 2nd room - bad idea, boss Magic attack depends on it. Rooms has to be cleared completely in order to weaken boss. Quests: -all quests offered by Newbie guide on lvl 2 are made equal in order to take off pressure from Kamael Village -All class quest monster respawn time is increased. -Chain quest from Newbie Helper rewards once in a week -Don't know, Don't Care - Party with most damage dealt is rewarded instead of kk? -Legendary Tales - Party with most damage dealt is rewarded instead of Last hitting. - Tired of waiting - Disabled Large dragon bone acquisition Pets: -Premium pets may use Silver Shilen as food -Improved baby Buffalo, Improved baby Cougar and White weasel Posess Recharge -Unable to recharge pets with Recharge abilities -Turtle Ascetic Summon Bracelet Buff only owner (unaviable on some servers) -Summons get bonuses from owners Epic jewerly Items: -Purchases with adena and Crystals are possible in Luxury Shop -Rare item craft chance depends on Crafters level -Armour may be rare -Equiping item with skill initiates 5 sec cooldown. - Increased effect of Grade penalty on Magic attacks Other: -Nevit Advent Blessing and Reccomendation Bonus disabled -Additional commands aviable for players (Further information may follow) -Some features reffered as bugs are made on purpose (Further information may follow) Translated by Rafiki Original text: http://forum.asterios.tm/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=308846 Please PM me for any corrections.
SzareSzeregi is Looking for English speaking CPs/Solo players of all level and class range! PM in-game Wakkowski/Satuk/Shoock
SzareSzeregi is Looking for English speaking CPs/Solo players of all level and class range! Clan especially needs /SwS/BD PM in-game Wakkowski/Satuk/Shoock
Hello! Any English speaking clans on Phoenix? Me (Spoiler 67) and My friend (EE 76) are looking for Clan! Please contact Frenz.