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    x7 Phoenix
  1. played barts/franz from c3- GOD harmony update and THEY DO stack. we were melee CP and we were owning with Cubic hex, normal hex and violent temper while destros eat them in gracia parts/freya/h5 part 3/5 . we were farming freya/tezza/zaken like this for like 2 years. where u get these infos from? lol
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Sv1quAWm4&feature=youtu.be phoenix x7. more info : /index.php?showtopic=373301">http://forum.asterios.tm/index.php?showtopic=373301
  3. we are making fraps atm. also when Cubix hex is on . violent temper doing nothing and hex aswell. game says it sucesses but he still got only cubic hex. uploading fraps in 5 min.
  4. test it by urself? on mobs and pvp too. me (SK) and my friend Doombringer debuffed our WC and debuffs replace eachother. noticed that in cata while farming 5 min ago. on alt+click and "effects" i cast hex , its on and he cast violent temper and it replace my hex and vice versa. Our constant party setup was for raiding and heavy single target dmg and now it is completly useless after we saw this......
  5. Why in this server Hex and Violent temper replace each other? Also cubic p def debuff replace hex too ( i can live with this beacuse it was too stronk) but why Violent temper replace hex?! they are 2 different debuffs. it is bug or intented(edited by server)? edit: phoenix x7
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