well, for now the main goal is to actualy group up the international community in the server.
we dont rly thought about the base classes becuz we dont know if there will be ppl interested or not.
as soon as we manage to get some ppl in the clan and acroding to their classes we can try to build up some partys, considering their classes and their main play time.
we are trying to bring also some people from our older servers so we could have some bases to build the clan on, wich would be a nice boost.
altho as i said, for now the goal is only to find people that is willing to group up with others who have some dificulties cuz of the russian language, and make those ppl gear up together and get used to play with eachother so we can later enjoy the late game without feeling "lost".
as so, for now, classes is not realy the important part, what we care about the most is finding the people to help us build up and grow together as a international clan where in future others will feel good in joining.
best regards.
EDIT: Just a reminder. This is not a big stablished clan where ppl will join to have tons of pvp winning all sieges and getting tons of items. this is a new just created clan with the main goal of making the game more enjoyable for those who have problems due to the russian language. We hope to get the international comunity together so they wont have problms in finding partys, finding help to do their stuff and to enjoy the game. By joining you wont be getting into a big late game winning clan, but you will be building a clan wich i hope some day will reach that late game point.
altho, and once again, this is basicly a international comunity group up. ofc russian people is als welcome, and it would be good to have some in future to help those who do not speak russian, to understand whats hapening and even helping them finding partys and stuff a like.